Source code for pydm.widgets.spinbox

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QDoubleSpinBox, QApplication
from qtpy.QtCore import Property, QEvent, Qt
from .base import PyDMWritableWidget, TextFormatter

[docs]class PyDMSpinbox(QDoubleSpinBox, TextFormatter, PyDMWritableWidget): """ A QDoubleSpinBox with support for Channels and more from PyDM. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget The parent widget for the Label init_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, init_channel=None): QDoubleSpinBox.__init__(self, parent) PyDMWritableWidget.__init__(self, init_channel=init_channel) self.valueBeingSet = False self.setEnabled(False) self._alarm_sensitive_border = False self._show_step_exponent = True self.step_exponent = 0 self.setDecimals(0) = QApplication.instance() self.setAccelerated(True)
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, ev): """ Method invoked when a key press event happens on the QDoubleSpinBox. For PyDMSpinBox we are interested on the Keypress events for: - CTRL + Left/Right : Increase or Decrease the step exponent; - Up / Down : Add or Remove `singleStep` units to the value; - PageUp / PageDown : Add or Remove 10 times `singleStep` units to the value; - Return or Enter : Send the value to the channel using the `send_value_signal`. Parameters ---------- ev : QEvent """ ctrl_hold = == Qt.ControlModifier if ctrl_hold and (ev.key() in (Qt.Key_Left, Qt.Key_Right)): self.step_exponent += 1 if ev.key() == Qt.Key_Left else -1 self.step_exponent = max(-self.decimals(), self.step_exponent) self.update_step_size() elif ev.key() in (Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Enter): self.send_value() else: super(PyDMSpinbox, self).keyPressEvent(ev)
[docs] def widget_ctx_menu(self): """ Fetch the Widget specific context menu which will be populated with additional tools by `assemble_tools_menu`. Returns ------- QMenu or None If the return of this method is None a new QMenu will be created by `assemble_tools_menu`. """ def toggle(): self.showStepExponent = not self.showStepExponent menu = self.lineEdit().createStandardContextMenu() menu.addSeparator() ac = menu.addAction('Toggle Show Step Size') ac.triggered.connect(toggle) return menu
[docs] def update_step_size(self): """ Update the Single Step size on the QDoubleSpinBox. """ self.setSingleStep(10 ** self.step_exponent) self.update_format_string()
[docs] def update_format_string(self): """ Reconstruct the format string to be used when representing the output value. Returns ------- None """ if self._show_units: units = " {}".format(self._unit) else: units = "" if self._show_step_exponent: self.setSuffix("{0} Step: 1E{1}".format(units, self.step_exponent)) self.lineEdit().setToolTip("") else: self.setSuffix(units) self.lineEdit().setToolTip('Step: 1E{0:+d}'.format(self.step_exponent))
[docs] def value_changed(self, new_val): """ Callback invoked when the Channel value is changed. Parameters ---------- new_val : int or float The new value from the channel. """ if new_val is None: # SpinBox is unable to work with None and # but sometimes it can arrive as an initial value return super(PyDMSpinbox, self).value_changed(new_val) self.valueBeingSet = True self.setValue(new_val) self.valueBeingSet = False
[docs] def send_value(self): """ Method invoked to send the current value on the QDoubleSpinBox to the channel using the `send_value_signal`. """ value = QDoubleSpinBox.value(self) if not self.valueBeingSet: self.send_value_signal[float].emit(value)
[docs] def ctrl_limit_changed(self, which, new_limit): """ Callback invoked when the Channel receives new control limit values. Parameters ---------- which : str Which control limit was changed. "UPPER" or "LOWER" new_limit : float New value for the control limit """ super(PyDMSpinbox, self).ctrl_limit_changed(which, new_limit) if which == "UPPER": self.setMaximum(new_limit) else: self.setMinimum(new_limit)
[docs] def precision_changed(self, new_precision): """ Callback invoked when the Channel has new precision value. This callback also triggers an update_format_string call so the new precision value is considered. Parameters ---------- new_precison : int or float The new precision value """ super(PyDMSpinbox, self).precision_changed(new_precision) self.setDecimals(new_precision)
@Property(int) def precision(self): if self.precisionFromPV: return self._prec else: return self._user_prec @precision.setter def precision(self, new_prec): if self.precisionFromPV: return if new_prec and self._user_prec != int(new_prec) and new_prec >= 0: self._user_prec = int(new_prec) self.value_changed(self.value) self.setDecimals(new_prec) @Property(bool) def showStepExponent(self): """ Whether to show or not the step exponent Returns ------- bool """ return self._show_step_exponent @showStepExponent.setter def showStepExponent(self, val): """ Whether to show or not the step exponent Parameters ---------- val : bool """ self._show_step_exponent = val self.update_format_string()