Archive Export

ArchiveExport is a command line tool for viewing archive data. It can create files in spreadsheet, GNUplot and Matlab data formats. It will display basic usage information when run without any arguments:
ArchiveExport 1.8.2

USAGE:  ArchiveExport [Options]  <directory file> { channel }

        -start <time>                  Format: "mm/dd/yy[ hh:mm:ss[.nano-secs]]"
        -end <time>                    (exclusive)
        -fill                          fill columns w/ repeated values
        -interpolate <seconds>         interpolate values
        -verbose                       verbose mode
        -gnuplot                       generate GNUPlot output
        -Gnuplot                       generate GNUPlot output for Image
        -pipe                          run GNUPlot via pipe
        -Matlab                        generate Matlap output
        -text                          include status information
        -output <file>                 output to file
        -match <reg. exp.>             channel name pattern
In this example, 1.8.2 is the current version number. Details on some of the other options:

-start, -end
This specifies the time stamp of the first and last requested sample. Per default, all available values will be exported. Note that the date and time have to match the given format. The quotes are necessary so that the Unix shell or Win32 command tool can pass the whole time stamp to the ArchiveExport program:

$ArchiveExport -start "06/22/01 14:00:00" -stop "06/22/01 15:00:00" freq_directory fred
With this example, ArchiveExport will export data from channel fred starting on June 22, 2001 at 2 pm the data will end on the same day at 3:00 pm.
In reality you will always want to add "start" and "stop" options to narrow down on the amount of data that you get. In the following examples this is left off for brevity!

-fill, -interpolate
Staircase and linear interpolation as discussed in the retrieval overview

Create data for Matlab. Both commands will export all values for the channel "fred" into a file "data.m":

ArchiveExport -Matlab -o data.m freq_directory fred
ArchiveExport -Matlab freq_directory fred >data.m

Create data for the gnuplot program. You must specify an output file name with the "-o" option, the result are two files:

ArchiveExport -gnuplot -o plotfile freq_directory fred
will create a data file "plotfile" and "plotfile.plt". "plotfile" has the requested data, "plotfile.plt" is a configuration for gnuplot. To use this in gnuplot, use
gnuplot> load 'plotfile.plt'

This option is similar to the one above: The created gnuplot command file will not show a plot on the screen but create a .png image of the plot.

$ArchiveExport -Gnuplot -o plotfile freq_directory fred
will also create two files, "plotfile" and "plotfile.plt". When you now run gnuplot:
gnuplot> load "plotfile.plt"
yet another file will be created called "plotfile.png".

Skips the creation of the gnuplot command file. Instead, ArchiveExport will create the data file and then run gnuplot with the commands via a pipe.

$ArchiveExport -Gnuplot -o plotfile -pipe freq_directory fred
will create "plotfile" and run gnuplot with the command to create an image file "plotfile.png".