# dhcpd.conf # # Configuration file for ISC dhcpd # # option definitions common to all supported networks... option domain-name "slac.stanford.edu"; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; # Use this to send dhcp log messages to a different log file log-facility local7; # Dinamic Subnet declaration. subnet netmask { range; } # Sim module declarations # name will be sim + the serial number # and the IP will be 192.168.1.(serial number) # SN and MAC can be found in here # https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LCLS_DSP_Module_Record # We will setup a VLAN on the Advantech 10G Ethenet Switch ATCA9112 # created vlan 11 for front panel ports 2 thru 7 [xe17 - xe22] # The vlan will contain ports 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 # DHCP server is running on the CPU = cpu-b084-sp12 on eth0 # eth0 is connected to the switch: cswh-b084-sp12: Front Panel SFP 2 [xe17] # ============================================================= # RF over Fiber TX # RF Power of Transmitted Signal # cswh-b084-sp12: Front Panel SFP 3 [xe18] host rfof-tx { hardware ethernet 00:26:32:00:0B:09; fixed-address; } # RF over Fiber RX # Low noise link photo diode RF power # cswh-b084-sp12: Front Panel SFP 4 [xe19] host rfof-rx { hardware ethernet 00:26:32:00:0B:0F; fixed-address; } # SIM 21: 162.5MHz Master Oscillator Frequency Locker control # cswh-b084-sp12: Front Panel SFP 5 [xe20] host sim21 { hardware ethernet 08:00:56:00:4B:D8; fixed-address; } # SIM 17: 11.5MHz PLL control # cswh-b084-sp12: Front Panel SFP 6 [xe21] host slave02 { hardware ethernet 08:00:56:00:49:48; fixed-address; } # SIM 18: 476MHz PLL control # cswh-b084-sp12: Front Panel SFP 7 [xe22] host master02 { hardware ethernet 08:00:56:00:46:88; fixed-address; } # ================================================================