/*************************************************************** * StreamDevice Support * * * * (C) 1999 Dirk Zimoch (zimoch@delta.uni-dortmund.de) * * (C) 2010 Dirk Zimoch (dirk.zimoch@psi.ch) * * * * This is the time stamp converter of StreamDevice. * * Please refer to the HTML files in ../doc/ for a detailed * * documentation. * * * * If you do any changes in this file, you are not allowed to * * redistribute it any more. If there is a bug or a missing * * feature, send me an email and/or your patch. If I accept * * your changes, they will go to the next release. * * * * DISCLAIMER: If this software breaks something or harms * * someone, it's your problem. * * * ***************************************************************/ #include "StreamFormatConverter.h" #include "StreamError.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #define tzset() _tzset() #define timezone _timezone #define localtime_r(timet,tm) localtime_s(tm,timet) /* Windows sucks */ #endif #ifdef __rtems__ #define timezone _timezone #endif #ifdef vxWorks int timezone = 0; #define tzset() do {\ (void) (sscanf(getenv("TIMEZONE"), "%*[^:]::%d", &timezone) || \ sscanf(getenv("TIMEZONE"), "%*[^:]:%*[^:]:%d", &timezone) || \ sscanf(getenv("EPICS_TS_MIN_WEST"), "%d", &timezone));\ timezone*=60;\ } while (0) #endif class TimestampConverter : public StreamFormatConverter { int parse(const StreamFormat&, StreamBuffer&, const char*&, bool); bool printDouble(const StreamFormat&, StreamBuffer&, double); int scanDouble(const StreamFormat&, const char*, double&); }; int TimestampConverter:: parse(const StreamFormat&, StreamBuffer& info, const char*& source, bool) { unsigned int n; char* c; if (*source == '(') { while (*++source != ')') { switch (*source) { case 0: error ("missing ')' after %%T format\n"); return false; case esc: info.append(*++source); if (*source == '%') info.append('%'); break; case '%': source++; /* look for formatted fractions like %3f */ if (isdigit(*source)) { n = strtoul(source, &c, 10); if (*c == 'f') { source = c; info.printf("%%0%uf", n); break; } } /* look for nanoseconds %N of %f */ if (*source == 'N' || *source == 'f') { info.printf("%%09f"); break; } /* look for seconds with fractions like %.3S */ if (*source == '.') { c = (char*) source+1; n = isdigit(*c) ? strtoul(c, &c, 10) : 9; if (toupper(*c) == 'S') { source = c; info.printf("%%%c.%%0%uf", *c, n); break; } } /* else normal format */ info.append('%'); default: info.append(*source); } } source++; info.append('\0'); } else { info.append("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").append('\0'); } return double_format; } bool TimestampConverter:: printDouble(const StreamFormat& format, StreamBuffer& output, double value) { struct tm brokenDownTime; char buffer [40]; char fracbuffer [15]; int length; time_t sec; double frac; int i, n; char* c; char* p; sec = (time_t) value; frac = value - sec; localtime_r(&sec, &brokenDownTime); debug ("TimestampConverter::printDouble %f, '%s'\n", value, format.info); length = strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format.info, &brokenDownTime); i = output.length(); output.append(buffer, length); /* look for fractional seconds */ while ((i = output.find("%0",i)) != -1) { n = strtol(output(i+1), &c, 10); if (*c++ != 'f') return false; /* print fractional part */ sprintf(fracbuffer, "%.*f", n, frac); p = strchr(fracbuffer, '.')+1; output.replace(i, c-output(i), p); } return true; } /* many OS don't have strptime or strptime does not fully support all fields, e.g. %z. */ static int strmatch(const char*& input, const char** strings, int minlen) { int i; int c; for (i=0; strings[i]; i++) { for (c=0; ; c++) { if (strings[i][c] == 0) { input += c; return i; } if (tolower(input[c]) != strings[i][c]) { if (c >= minlen) { input += c; return i; } break; } } } return -1; } static int nummatch(const char*& input, int min, int max) { int i; char *c; i = strtol(input, &c, 10); if (c == input) return -10000; if (i < min || i > max) return -10000; input = c; return i; } static const char* scantime(const char* input, const char* format, struct tm *tm, unsigned long *ns) { static const char* months[] = { "january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "november", "december", 0 }; static const char* ampm[] = { "am", "pm", 0 }; int i, n; int pm = -1; int century = -1; int zone = 0; tzset(); zone = timezone/60; debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: native time zone = %d\n", zone); while (*format) { switch (*format) { case '%': debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: input = '%s'\n", input); format++; startover: switch (*format++) { /* Modifiers (ignore) */ case 'E': case 'O': goto startover; /* constants */ case 0: /* stray % at end of format string */ format--; case '%': if (*input++ != '%') return NULL; break; case 'n': if (*input++ != '\n') return NULL; break; case 't': if (*input++ != '\t') return NULL; break; /* ignored */ case 'A': /* day of week name */ case 'a': while (isalpha((int)*input)) input++; /* ignore */ break; case 'u': /* day of week number (Monday = 1 to Sunday = 7) */ case 'w': /* day of week number (Sunday = 0 to Saturday = 6) */ i = nummatch(input, 0, 7); if (i < 0) { error ("error parsing day of week: '%.20s'\n", input); return NULL; } debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: day of week = %d\n", i); /* ignore */ break; case 'U': /* week number */ case 'W': case 'V': i = nummatch(input, 0, 53); if (i < 0) { error ("error parsing week number: '%.20s'\n", input); return NULL; } debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: week number = %d\n", i); /* ignore */ break; case 'j': /* day of year */ i = nummatch(input, 0, 366); if (i < 0) { error ("error parsing day of year: '%.20s'\n", input); return NULL; } debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: day of year = %d\n", i); /* ignore */ break; case 'Z': /* time zone name */ while (isalpha((int)*input)) input++; /* ignore */ break; /* date */ case 'b': /* month */ case 'h': case 'B': case 'm': i = strmatch(input, months, 3); if (i < 0) { i = nummatch(input, 1, 12); if (i < 0) { error ("error parsing month: '%.20s'\n", input); return NULL; } i--; /* Jan = 0 */ } tm->tm_mon = i; debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: month = %d (%s)\n", tm->tm_mon+1, months[tm->tm_mon]); break; case 'd': /* day of month */ case 'e': i = nummatch(input, 1, 31); if (i < 0) { error ("error parsing day of month: '%.20s'\n", input); return NULL; } tm->tm_mday = i; debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: day = %d\n", tm->tm_mday); break; case 'Y': /* year */ case 'y': i = strtol(input, (char**)&input, 10); if (i < 100) { /* 2 digit year */ if (century == -1) century = (i >= 69); tm->tm_year = i + century * 100; /* 0 = 1900 */ } else { /* 4 digit year */ tm->tm_year = i - 1900; /* 0 = 1900 */ } debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: year = %d\n", tm->tm_year + 1900); break; case 'C': /* century */ i = nummatch(input, 0, 99); if (i < 0) { error ("error parsing century: '%.20s'\n", input); return NULL; } century = i - 19; tm->tm_year = tm->tm_year%100 + 100 * i; /* 0 = 1900 */ debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: year = %d\n", tm->tm_year + 1900); break; /* time */ case 'H': /* hour */ case 'k': case 'I': case 'l': i = nummatch(input, 0, 23); if (i < 0) { error ("error parsing hour: '%.20s'\n", input); return NULL; } if ((pm == 0) && (i == 12)) i = 0; if ((pm == 1) && (i < 12)) i += 12; tm->tm_hour = i; debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: hour = %d\n", tm->tm_hour); break; case 'P': /* AM / PM */ case 'p': i = strmatch(input, ampm, 1); if (i < 0) { error ("error parsing am/pm: '%.20s'\n", input); return NULL; } pm = i; if ((pm == 0) && (tm->tm_hour == 12)) tm->tm_hour = 0; if ((pm == 1) && (tm->tm_hour < 12)) tm->tm_hour += 12; debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: %s hour = %d\n", pm?"PM":"AM", tm->tm_hour); break; case 'M': /* minute */ i = nummatch(input, 1, 59); if (i < 0) { error ("error parsing minute: '%.20s'\n", input); return NULL; } tm->tm_min = i; debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: min = %d\n", tm->tm_min); break; case 'S': /* second */ i = nummatch(input, 1, 60); if (i < 0) { error ("error parsing week second: '%.20s'\n", input); return NULL; } tm->tm_sec = i; debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: sec = %d\n", tm->tm_sec); break; case 's': /* second since 1970 */ i = strtol(input, (char**)&input, 10); tm->tm_sec = i; tm->tm_mon = -1; tm->tm_isdst = 0; debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: sec = %d\n", tm->tm_sec); break; case '0': /* fractions of seconds like %09f */ n = strtol(format-1, (char**)&format, 10); if (*format++ != 'f') return NULL; debug ("max %d digits fraction in '%s'\n", n, input); i = 0; while (n-- && isdigit(*input)) { i *= 10; i += *input++ - '0'; } while (i < 100000000) i *= 10; *ns = i; debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: nanosec = %d, rest '%s'\n", i, input); break; case 'z': /* time zone offset */ i = nummatch(input, -2400, 2400); if (i < -2400) { error ("error parsing time zone: '%.20s'\n", input); return NULL; } zone = i / 100 * 60 + i % 100; tm->tm_isdst = 0; debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: zone = %d\n", zone); break; case '+': /* set time zone in format string */ case '-': format--; i = nummatch(format, -2400, 2400); zone = i / 100 * 60 + i % 100; tm->tm_isdst = 0; debug ("TimestampConverter::scantime: zone = %d\n", zone); break; /* shortcuts */ case 'c': if ((input = scantime(input, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", tm, ns)) == NULL) return NULL; break; case 'D': if ((input = scantime(input, "%m/%d/%y", tm, ns)) == NULL) return NULL; break; case 'F': if ((input = scantime(input, "%Y-%m-%d", tm, ns)) == NULL) return NULL; break; case 'R': if ((input = scantime(input, "%H:%M", tm, ns)) == NULL) return NULL; break; case 'T': if ((input = scantime(input, "%H:%M:%S", tm, ns)) == NULL) return NULL; break; case 'x': if ((input = scantime(input, "%m/%d/%y", tm, ns)) == NULL) return NULL; break; case 'X': case 'r': if ((input = scantime(input, "%I:%M:%S %p", tm, ns)) == NULL) return NULL; break; default: error ("unknown time format %%%s\n", --format); return NULL; } break; case ' ': format++; while (isspace(*input)) input++; break; default: if (*format++ != *input++) { error("input '%.20s' does not match constant '%.20s'\n", --input, --format); return NULL; } } } zone -= timezone/60; tm->tm_min += zone; tm->tm_hour += tm->tm_min / 60; tm->tm_min %= 60; if (tm->tm_min < 0) { tm->tm_min += 60; tm->tm_hour -= 1; } tm->tm_mday -= tm->tm_hour / 24; tm->tm_hour %= 24; if (tm->tm_hour < 0) { tm->tm_min += 24; tm->tm_mday -= 1; } return input; } int TimestampConverter:: scanDouble(const StreamFormat& format, const char* input, double& value) { struct tm brokenDownTime; time_t seconds; unsigned long nanoseconds; const char* end; /* Init time stamp with "today" */ time (&seconds); localtime_r(&seconds, &brokenDownTime); brokenDownTime.tm_sec = 0; brokenDownTime.tm_min = 0; brokenDownTime.tm_hour = 0; brokenDownTime.tm_yday = 0; brokenDownTime.tm_isdst = -1; nanoseconds = 0; end = scantime(input, format.info, &brokenDownTime, &nanoseconds); if (end == NULL) { error ("error parsing time\n"); return -1; } if (brokenDownTime.tm_mon == -1) { seconds = brokenDownTime.tm_sec; } else { seconds = mktime(&brokenDownTime); if (seconds == (time_t) -1 && brokenDownTime.tm_yday == 0) { error ("mktime failed for %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", brokenDownTime.tm_mon+1, brokenDownTime.tm_mday, brokenDownTime.tm_year+1900, brokenDownTime.tm_hour, brokenDownTime.tm_min, brokenDownTime.tm_sec); return -1; } } value = seconds + nanoseconds*1e-9; return end-input; } RegisterConverter (TimestampConverter, "T");