To: Luchini, Kristi Subject: RE: MCC Operations Status Report - 8am Morning Meeting (update) Monday, Jan 14, 2008 This afternoons 4:15pm meeting: LCLS: Solved: -----Original Message----- From: Luchini, Kristi Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 11:08 AM To: Luchini, Kristi; Williams Jr., Ernest L.; Lahey, Terri E.; Shoaee, Hamid Subject: RE: MCC Operations Status Report - 8am Morning Meeting (update) Monday 14, Jan 2008 In this mornings 8am meeting: Everyone: URGENT 1.Update all of contact information, including cell on the SLAC Persons list. Note: everyone can edit their own information from the web and can select the option to make some information, such as their cell, SLAC only. 2. Post new contact list for LCLS, current contact list in mcc (currently not complete and missing cell number). 3. Update short hand contact list on wall next LCLS operations. ACCESS: Possible access today in LI21-LI24 for PEPII fixes PEPII: 1. Queue full message for BCM and need to reboot: a. BCM reboot button not active on the EDM display, looks like soft IOC is down. b. SCP instructions on Networking panel related to the BIC missing for BCM reboot. c. Instructions in email to EOIC from Lazmo but lacked necessary password. d. Left voice mail on Lazmo’s cell to call MCC. e. Problem resolved by Jingchen. f. Jingchen will add BCM soft IOC to PEPII watchdog system. which will reboot process automatically if it goes down. 2. RF VXI 4-4 IOC down. Reboot fixed. LCLS: Magnets: Kristi 1. Sec-21 magnet controls may still be intermittent 1. (OK since 7:00 PM Saturday). 2.CPU and cables replaced. 3. Today need cables from cpu to patch panel, to rf-hut patch panel to switch tested. Need test patch panel connections in lgf06 and in rf hut. 2. QM22 appears to be badly aligned (or maybe orbit is bad there). May also be bpm problem. Bob Trailer will check bpm processor upstairs in gallery. If not bpm, then need access to realign magnet. 3. BXKIK, not able to move. Suspect triggers or timing needs to be tweeked. Will work with Briant Lam today to get running. Wire Scanners: Arturo 1. Would like to get wirescanners working in li28. Laser/OTRS: Sheng 1. Laser loop2 says "corrupt image" sometimes, even when apparently working. Talked to Sheng and message is last error. 2. camera setting (Loos). When power outage cameras go back to factory setting. Need to setup to go back power up with desired values. 3. Could not get OTR22 to trigger on Saturday (but working on Sunday). 4. OTR_TCAV will not trigger Matlab: Henrick: 1. Charge feedback raises laser energy when MPS shutter goes IN! 2. Why do we use the pockels cell for background subtraction and not MPS shutter? 3. OTR21, 22, & OTR_TCAV not in Henriks' correlation plots yet Cecile: 1. Matching GUI does not TRIM magnets LLRF: Ron Akre and Dayle 1. 21-3 and 21-4 klystrons need to get switched ON soon 2. X-band RF still has no phase control (and tripping off also) 3. S21 2856 MHz ref phase always RED. Remove alarm or change limits, please see Joe Frisch or Henrick. 4. PH03 (and all phase monitors) inoperable right now (PAD's are purple) Feedback: 1. Launch feedback would not respond to errors (but worked later with no changes) MikeZ: 1.LEM leaves new sec-24 EPICS-controlled magnets un-TRIMmed Computer Systems: Jingchen & Jim: 1. USB plug switching on the display screens is very clumsy. M BPMs: Steve Smith 1. New BC2 BPM is erratic with 5-mm jitter in X and Y (& cannot read Xpos from Matlab). Bob Trailer looking at this.