GLAST/LAT > DAQ and FSW > FSW > Doxygen Index > LSE / V1-3-4

Constituent: lsew     Tag: rad750

Interface   Data Structures   File List   Data Fields   Globals  

src Directory Reference



file  CDF_acd.c
 Implementation to produce Compressed Data Format for the ACD contributor and the ACD portion of the GEM.
file  CDF_acd_def.h
 Compress structures for the ACD contribution and the ACD portion of the GEM.
file  CDF_acd_ped.c
 Implementation to produce Packed/Compressed Data Format for the ACD/AEM contributor when zero suppression is disabled.
file  CDF_acd_std.c
 Implementation to produce Compressed Data Format for the standard ACD contributor and the ACD portion of the GEM.
file  CDF_cal.c
 Implementation to produce Compressed Data Format for the CAL contributors.
file  CDF_cal_def.h
 Compress structures for the CAL contribution.
file  CDF_cal_ped.c
 The CAL pedestal event processing and compaction routines.
file  CDF_cal_std.c
 Implementation to produce Compressed Data Format for the CAL contributors.
file  CDF_dgn.c
 Implementation to produce Compressed Data Format for the diagnostic contributions.
file  CDF_dgn_def.h
 Compress structures for the DGN contribution.
file  CDF_err.c
 Implementation to produce Compressed Data Format for the diagnostic contributions.
file  CDF_err_def.h
 Compress structures for the ERR contribution.
file  CDF_esb.c
 Event Summary Block manipulation routines.
file  CDF_esb_def.h
 Maps out the event summary block. This block captures information global to the entire event and is packed, just like the GEM, TEM and AEM data, to form the output event. The difference is that this information is global to the event, not a particular contributor.
file  CDF_gem.c
 The GEM compressed data formatting routines.
file  CDF_gem_def.h
 Compress structures for the GEM combination.
file  CDF_tkr.c
 Implementation to produce Compressed Data Format for the TKR contributors.
file  CDF_tkr_def.h
 Compress structures for the TKR contribution.
file  CDF_tkr_ped.c
 Implementation to produce Compressed Data Format for the TKR contributors for pedestal events.
file  CDF_tkr_std.c
 Implementation to produce Compressed Data Format for the TKR contributors.
file  dprintf.h
 Debugging print out.
file  LFR_key.c
 Indirect file reference key utilities.
file  LSE_cdm.c
 CDM helper routines.
file  LSE_time.ih
 Functions to make the time and THS semi-portable.
file  LSEW_ctx.c
 Adds/updates the Timer and Counter Context Contributions.
file  LSEW_ctx.h
 Captures the quasi-static context context.
file  LSEW_dgm.c
 Code to write event datagrams.
file  LSEW_dgmFw.c
 Code to write events using a framework built around the LSDW_dgm utilities.

Generated on Thu Oct 18 04:07:30 2007 by  doxygen 1.4.4