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LSEW_dgmFw.c File Reference

Code to write events using a framework built around the LSDW_dgm utilities. More...

#include <LSF/LSF_reason.h>
#include <LSE/LSEW_dgmFw.h>
#include <LSE/LSEW_dgm.h>
#include <string.h>


struct  _LSEW_dgmFw
 Control structure for outputing events. More...


typedef struct _LSEW_dgmFw LSEW_dgmFw


static __inline LSEW_dgmlocate (const LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw)
 Give the LSEW_dgmFw, locates the LSEW_dgm.
static unsigned int * datagram_open (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, unsigned int reason, unsigned int evt_seq, const EBF_gem *gem)
 Opens a new event datagram.
static unsigned int datagram_close (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, unsigned int reason)
 Unconditionally writes out whatever is in the current buffer.
static unsigned int * datagram_retry (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, void *evt, unsigned int evt_seq, const EBF_gem *gem)
 Attempts to retry the adding of an event by closing the current datagram and opening a new one. If this attempt fails, it is because the datagram is not large enough to accomodate the overhead (beginning contributions) and the event.
unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwSizeof (void)
 The size, in bytes, of the control structure.
unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwInit (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, unsigned short int apid, unsigned int dgm_id, LSF_CPU_K cpu, LSF_ORIGIN_K origin)
 Initializes the control structure.
LSEW_dgmFwBegAddCbp LSEW_dgmFwBegAddSet (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, LSEW_dgmFwBegAdder begRtn, void *begPrm)
 Sets the callback to add a user specified Begin Context Contribution record.
LSEW_dgmFwEvtAddCbp LSEW_dgmFwEvtAddSet (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, LSEW_dgmFwEvtAdder evtRtn, void *evtPrm)
 Sets the callback to add an event to the event datagram.
LSEW_dgmFwUsrAddCbp LSEW_dgmFwUsrAddSet (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, LSEW_dgmFwUsrAdder usrRtn, void *usrPrm)
 Sets the callback to add an event to the event datagram.
LSEW_dgmFwEndAddCbp LSEW_dgmFwEndAddSet (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, LSEW_dgmFwEndAdder endRtn, void *endPrm)
 Sets the callback to add a user specified End Context Contribution record.
LSEW_dgmFwPostCbp LSEW_dgmFwPostSet (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, LSEW_dgmFwPoster postRtn, void *postPrm)
 Sets the callback to add a user specified End Context Contribution record.
void LSEW_dgmFwBufSet (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, unsigned int *buf, int bufSize)
 Sets the buffer to be used for the event datagram and its size.
void LSEW_dgmFwRunStart (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, unsigned int runId, unsigned int startTime, LSF_MODE_K mode, LSF_REASON_OPEN_K reason)
 Sets the context for a new run.
void LSEW_dgmFwModeChange (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, LSF_MODE_K mode)
 Changes the current data-taking mode.
unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwEvtAdd (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, void *evt, unsigned int evt_seq, const EBF_gem *gem)
 Formats the specified event, flushing the current event datagram if the event datagram is full.
unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwUsrAdd (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, void *usrInfo, int usrLen)
 Formats the specified event, flushing the current event datagram if the event datagram is full.
unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwFlush (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw, int reason)
 Flushes the last events out.
const LSEW_ctxPubLSEW_dgmFwCtxPub (const LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw)
 Returns a pointer to the public portion of the standard context.
unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwLeft32 (LSEW_dgmFw *dgmFw)
 Returns the number of 32 words left in the datagram.


static const unsigned char OpenReasons [16]
 Maps a closing reason into its complimentary open reason.

Detailed Description

Code to write events using a framework built around the LSDW_dgm utilities.

JJRussell -

   CVS $Id: LSEW_dgmFw.c,v 1.14 2011/03/26 17:35:24 russell Exp $

Function Documentation

static unsigned int datagram_close ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
unsigned int  reason 
) [static]

Unconditionally writes out whatever is in the current buffer.

Return values:
0,If successful
-1,If the user close contribution did not fit. In this case the datagram is left open. A reasonable course of action on the user's part would be to manually flush the datagram, specifying it is being closed due to error.
dgmFw The framework's control block
reason One of an enumerated list describing why this event datagram is being closed

References _LSEW_dgmFw::buf_size, _LSEW_dgmFw::close_reason, _LSEW_dgmFw::end_add, locate(), LSEW__dgmBeg(), LSEW__dgmEnd(), LSEW_dgmBufSet(), LSEW_dgmClose(), LSEW_dgmEvtClose(), _LSEW_dgmFw::open_reason, OpenReasons, _LSEW_dgmFw::post, _LSEW_dgmFwPostCbp::prm, _LSEW_dgmFwEndAddCbp::prm, _LSEW_dgmFwPostCbp::rtn, and _LSEW_dgmFwEndAddCbp::rtn.

Referenced by datagram_retry(), LSEW_dgmClose(), LSEW_dgmFwFlush(), and LSEW_dgmFwUsrAdd().

static unsigned int * datagram_open ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
unsigned int  reason,
unsigned int  evt_seq,
const EBF_gem *  gem 
) [static]

Opens a new event datagram.

Pointer to the new datagram or NULL if unsuccessful in opening the datagram and adding the standard contribution plus any potential user contribution.
dgmFw The framework's control block
reason One of enumerated list describing why this datagram is being opened
evt_seq The event sequence number
gem The GEM contribution

References _LSEW_dgmFw::beg_add, locate(), LSEW__dgmEnd(), LSEW_dgmEvtOpen(), LSEW_dgmOpen(), LSEW_dgmRootClose(), _LSEW_dgmFwBegAddCbp::prm, and _LSEW_dgmFwBegAddCbp::rtn.

Referenced by datagram_retry(), and LSEW_dgmFwEvtAdd().

static unsigned int * datagram_retry ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
void *  evt,
unsigned int  evt_seq,
const EBF_gem *  gem 
) [static]

Attempts to retry the adding of an event by closing the current datagram and opening a new one. If this attempt fails, it is because the datagram is not large enough to accomodate the overhead (beginning contributions) and the event.

The next write pointer or NULL if insufficient space
dgmFw The framework's control block
evt The event to add
evt_seq The event sequence number
gem The GEM data

References datagram_close(), datagram_open(), _LSEW_dgmFw::evt_add, locate(), LSEW__dgmEnd(), _LSEW_dgmFwEvtAddCbp::prm, and _LSEW_dgmFwEvtAddCbp::rtn.

Referenced by LSEW_dgmFwEvtAdd().

static __inline LSEW_dgm * locate ( const LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw  )  [static]

Give the LSEW_dgmFw, locates the LSEW_dgm.

Pointer to the LDSW_dgm
dgmFw The framework's control block
The LDSW_dgm is located immediately following the LDSW_dgmFw handle. This routine merely encapsulates this information so that it only appears in one place.

Referenced by datagram_close(), datagram_open(), datagram_retry(), LSEW_dgmFwBufSet(), LSEW_dgmFwCtxPub(), LSEW_dgmFwEvtAdd(), LSEW_dgmFwFlush(), LSEW_dgmFwInit(), LSEW_dgmFwLeft32(), LSEW_dgmFwModeChange(), LSEW_dgmFwRunStart(), and LSEW_dgmFwUsrAdd().

LSEW_dgmFwBegAddCbp LSEW_dgmFwBegAddSet ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
LSEW_dgmFwBegAdder  begRtn,
void *  begPrm 

Sets the callback to add a user specified Begin Context Contribution record.

The previous routine plus its context parameter
dgmFw The framework control block to initialize
begRtn The begin context contribution add routine
begPrm The begin context contribution add routine's user parameter

References _LSEW_dgmFw::beg_add, _LSEW_dgmFwBegAddCbp::prm, and _LSEW_dgmFwBegAddCbp::rtn.

void LSEW_dgmFwBufSet ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
unsigned int *  buf,
int  bufSize 

Sets the buffer to be used for the event datagram and its size.

dgmFw The target framework control block
buf The first, preallocated buffer to fill
bufSize The size, in bytes, of the ouptut buffer. Events will be packed into this buffer until full

References _LSEW_dgmFw::buf_size, locate(), and LSEW_dgmBufSet().

unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwCtxPub ( const LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw  ) 

Returns a pointer to the public portion of the standard context.

A pointer to the public portion of the standard context
dgmFw The framework's control block

References locate(), and LSEW_dgmCtxPub().

Referenced by CDF_gem_construct().

LSEW_dgmFwEndAddCbp LSEW_dgmFwEndAddSet ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
LSEW_dgmFwEndAdder  endRtn,
void *  endPrm 

Sets the callback to add a user specified End Context Contribution record.

The previous routine plus its context parameter
dgmFw The target framework control block
endRtn The end context contribution add routine
endPrm The end context contribution add routine's context parameter

References _LSEW_dgmFw::end_add, _LSEW_dgmFwEndAddCbp::prm, and _LSEW_dgmFwEndAddCbp::rtn.

unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwEvtAdd ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
void *  evt,
unsigned int  evt_seq,
const EBF_gem *  gem 

Formats the specified event, flushing the current event datagram if the event datagram is full.

Return values:
0,Record use succesfully added
-1,User callback routine refused to add the event because not only did it not fit in the current datagram, it would not fit in a new datagram. Either the user accepts that the event is too big or he must change recompile with a larger datagram size.
dgmFw The framework's control block
evt Dynamic (i.e. associated with this event) context parameter
evt_seq The event sequence number
gem The GEM contributor
This is the workhorse routine of LSEW_dgmFw. Its primary job to take an input event, nominally specified as a pointer to the beginning of the event and its size and bytes and call the user specified formatting routine to commit it to the buffer. To do this correctly it must
  1. Update the extended counter/time context
  2. Attempt to add the event to the event datagram, using the event formatting routine being managed by the framework
  3. If the user's event formatting routine determines that the event does not fit in the current event datagram, then
    1. Close out and post the current datagram
    2. Establish a new event datagram, filling in the standard context record and calling a user provdied begin event datagram routine
    3. Attempt to add the event once to the new event datagram
    4. If this fails, then there is no hope in adding this event, the datagram is too small..
  4. If the event fits, commit it to the datagram

When considering the user's event formatting routine is determining whether and event fits in the current buffer, the bear in mind the following two considerations
  1. Any event may need to inject the Context Update Record.
  2. When an event datagram is posted, the user must leave enough room for any data added by the user's end event datagram contribution.

Because of this, the recommendation is that when declaring the size of the buffer to be used for the event datagram, one does not include the size of these two contributions. That way one can be assured that this routine will declare buffer full when there is enough space left to fit these contributions in. This tactic works only if the size of these two buffers is known at the time the event datagram framework is constructed (initialization time).
If the size of the end contribution is unknown at event datagram framework construction time, then the only tactic is to include the of end contribution size with the estimated size of the event.

References datagram_open(), datagram_retry(), _LSEW_dgmFw::evt_add, locate(), LSEW__dgmBeg(), LSEW__dgmCur(), LSEW__dgmEnd(), LSEW_dgmEvtCommit(), LSEW_dgmUpdate(), _LSEW_dgmFw::open_reason, _LSEW_dgmFwEvtAddCbp::prm, and _LSEW_dgmFwEvtAddCbp::rtn.

LSEW_dgmFwEvtAddCbp LSEW_dgmFwEvtAddSet ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
LSEW_dgmFwEvtAdder  evtRtn,
void *  evtPrm 

Sets the callback to add an event to the event datagram.

The previous routine plus its context parameter
dgmFw The target framework control block
evtRtn The event add routine
evtPrm The event add routine's context parameter

References _LSEW_dgmFw::evt_add, _LSEW_dgmFwEvtAddCbp::prm, and _LSEW_dgmFwEvtAddCbp::rtn.

unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwFlush ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
int  reason 

Flushes the last events out.

dgmFw The framework's control block
reason The reason the flush is being called

References datagram_close(), locate(), LSEW__dgmBeg(), and LSEW__dgmCur().

unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwInit ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
unsigned short int  apid,
unsigned int  dgm_id,
LSF_CPU_K  cpu,
LSF_ORIGIN_K  origin 

Initializes the control structure.

dgmFw The framework control block to initialize
apid The application id to use in the CCSDS packets
dgm_id The LAT Science Format Data Id (LSF) to use
cpu The originating CPU
origin The data source type

References locate(), and LSEW_dgmInit().

unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwLeft32 ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw  ) 

Returns the number of 32 words left in the datagram.

The value of the current write pointer of the specified event datagram
dgmFw The framework's control block
This routine may be called at anytime to learn how many 32-bit words remain in the buffer. This information can be used to decide whether there is sufficient room to make it worthwhile to add another contribution or record. For example, the caller may find himself in the position where he needs to add user context record, but realizes that the user context record only is useful if there is sufficient room for both the user context record and the next event. By querying the amount left, the caller can decide on a sensible course of action.

References locate().

void LSEW_dgmFwModeChange ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
LSF_MODE_K  mode 

Changes the current data-taking mode.

dgmFw The destination event datagram framework handle
mode The new data-taking mode
This routine does two things
  1. Sets the new data-taking mode
  2. Bumps the mode sequence number to indicate an update

References locate(), and LSEW_dgmModeChange().

LSEW_dgmFwBegAddCbp LSEW_dgmFwPostSet ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
LSEW_dgmFwPoster  postRtn,
void *  postPrm 

Sets the callback to add a user specified End Context Contribution record.

The previous routine plus its context parameter
dgmFw The target framework control block
postRtn The post event datagram routine
postPrm The post event datagram routine's context parameter

References _LSEW_dgmFw::post, _LSEW_dgmFwPostCbp::prm, and _LSEW_dgmFwPostCbp::rtn.

void LSEW_dgmFwRunStart ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
unsigned int  runId,
unsigned int  startTime,
LSF_MODE_K  mode,

Sets the context for a new run.

dgmFw The framework's control block
runId The run identifier
startTime The start time to the nearest second
mode The running mode
reason The start reason

References locate(), LSEW_dgmRunStart(), and _LSEW_dgmFw::open_reason.

unsigned int LSEW_dgmFwUsrAdd ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
void *  usrInfo,
int  usrLen 

Formats the specified event, flushing the current event datagram if the event datagram is full.

Return values:
0,if the user information was added
-1,if the user information was not added because the datagram did not have enough room. In this case the likely strategy is to for the user to have an ADD BEGIN contribution add this information This will happen automatically when the new datagram is opened, ie when the next event is inserted.
dgmFw The framework's control block
usrInfo A pointer to the user information
usrLen Meant to be the length of the user information, but since it is passed transparently the callback routine that does the adding, it can be any 32-bit parameter you wish.

References datagram_close(), locate(), LSEW__dgmEnd(), LSEW_dgmCommit(), LSEW_dgmEvtClose(), _LSEW_dgmFwUsrAddCbp::prm, _LSEW_dgmFwUsrAddCbp::rtn, and _LSEW_dgmFw::usr_add.

LSEW_dgmFwEvtAddCbp LSEW_dgmFwUsrAddSet ( LSEW_dgmFw dgmFw,
LSEW_dgmFwUsrAdder  usrRtn,
void *  usrPrm 

Sets the callback to add an event to the event datagram.

The previous routine plus its context parameter
dgmFw The target framework control block
usrRtn The user contribution add routine
usrPrm The user contribution add rotuines's context parameter

References _LSEW_dgmFwUsrAddCbp::prm, _LSEW_dgmFwUsrAddCbp::rtn, and _LSEW_dgmFw::usr_add.

Variable Documentation

unsigned char OpenReasons[16] [static]

Initial value:




Maps a closing reason into its complimentary open reason.

When a datagram is closed, it is highly likely that a new one will be opened. This new datagram needs a reason for being opened. In many cases this reopening is automatic, so the opening reason must be internally generated. This array fills that need, mapping an closing reason into its complimentary open reason.
Even though this maps all close reasons, some the close reasons are not automatically and likely will not be used. For completeness, a reasonable value is filled in. These entries are marked in the comments with an XX

Referenced by datagram_close().

Generated on Sat Apr 9 20:21:29 2011 by  doxygen 1.5.8