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LSEW_dgm.c File Reference

Code to write event datagrams. More...

#include <LSF/LSF.h>
#include <LSEW_ctx.h>
#include <LSE/LSE_ids.h>
#include <LSE/LSEW_dgm.h>
#include <LSE_time.ih>
#include <CCSDS/CCSDS_pkt.h>
#include <PBI/PTR.h>
#include <string.h>


struct  _LSEW_dgm
 Control structure for outputing events. More...


#define RND_UP(_x, _r)
 Rounds _x up to the nearest multiple of _r.
 Sets the maximum number of events that can be committed to one event contribution.


typedef struct _LSEW_dgm LSEW_dgm
 Typedef for struct _LSEW_dgm.


static __inline unsigned int evt_size (void)
 Returns the minimum size of a new event contribution.
static __inline unsigned int * evt_open (unsigned int *beg)
 Opens a new event record contribution.
static __inline unsigned int * evt_close (unsigned int *beg, const unsigned int *end, unsigned int id, unsigned short int bridge)
 Closes out (completes) the current event contribution by filling in the LSF event header.
static __inline void datagram_close (unsigned int *beg, const unsigned int *end, unsigned int dgm_id)
 Closes out (completes) the current data packet by filling in the LSF packet header.
static __inline unsigned int * ccsds_complete (unsigned int *beg, unsigned char *dat, unsigned int *lsf, unsigned int *evt, unsigned int *end, unsigned int nevts, unsigned int apid, unsigned int seq)
 Completes the CCSDS header.
unsigned int LSEW_dgmSizeof (void)
 The size, in bytes, of the control structure.
unsigned int LSEW_dgmInit (LSEW_dgm *dgm, unsigned short int apid, unsigned int dgm_id, LSF_CPU_K cpu, LSF_ORIGIN_K origin)
 Initializes the control structure.
int LSEW_dgmBufSet (LSEW_dgm *dgm, unsigned int *buf, int buf_size)
 Sets the specified buffer as the new output buffer.
void LSEW_dgmRunStart (LSEW_dgm *dgm, unsigned int runId, unsigned int startTime, LSF_MODE_K mode)
 Sets the context for a new run.
void LSEW_dgmModeChange (LSEW_dgm *dgm, LSF_MODE_K mode)
 Changes the current data-taking mode.
unsigned int * LSEW_dgmOpen (LSEW_dgm *dgm, unsigned int reason, unsigned int evt_seq, const EBF_gem *gem)
 Opens a new event datagram.
unsigned int * LSEW_dgmEvtOpen (LSEW_dgm *dgm, unsigned int *cur)
 Opens a new event datagram.
void LSEW_dgmRootClose (LSEW_dgm *dgm, const unsigned int *end)
unsigned int * LSEW_dgmEvtCommit (LSEW_dgm *dgm, unsigned int *cur)
 Commits this event. This does two things, updates the current write pointer and increments the number of events in this contribution.
unsigned int * LSEW_dgmEvtClose (LSEW_dgm *dgm)
 Completes the final processing of an event just before it is presented to the output stream.
unsigned int * LSEW_dgmUpdate (LSEW_dgm *dgm, unsigned int evt_seq, const EBF_gem *gem)
 Updates the current datagram, adding a time record if necessary.
unsigned int * LSEW_dgmCommit (LSEW_dgm *dgm, unsigned int *cur)
 Commits the current write by updating the write potnter.
unsigned int * LSEW_dgmClose (LSEW_dgm *dgm, unsigned int *cur, unsigned int reason)
 Closes out the datagram; it is now ready to be written out.
const LSEW_ctxPubLSEW_dgmCtxPub (const LSEW_dgm *dgm)
 Returns a pointer to the public context structure.
unsigned int * LSEW_dgmBeg (const LSEW_dgm *dgm)
 Returns the value of the beginning of the specified event datagram.
unsigned int * LSEW_dgmCur (const LSEW_dgm *dgm)
 Returns the value of the beginning of the specified event datagram.
unsigned int * LSEW_dgmEnd (const LSEW_dgm *dgm)
 Returns the value of the end of the specified event datagram.
unsigned int LSEW_dgmLeft32 (const LSEW_dgm *dgm)
 Returns the number of 32 words left in the buffer.

Detailed Description

Code to write event datagrams.

JJRussell -

   CVS $Id: LSEW_dgm.c,v 1.17 2012/09/13 18:10:53 russell Exp $

Define Documentation


Sets the maximum number of events that can be committed to one event contribution.

This value is set by the width of the bridge word in the LSF contribution header (1 byte)

Referenced by LSEW_dgmUpdate().

#define RND_UP ( _x,
_r   ) 


( (((PTR_as_uint)(_x)) + (_r) - 1) & \
                          ~(PTR_as_uint)((_r) - 1) )
Rounds _x up to the nearest multiple of _r.

The rounded up value
_x The value to round
_r The multiple to round up to, must be a power of 2.

Referenced by LSEW_dgmCommit(), and LSEW_dgmEvtCommit().

Function Documentation

static __inline unsigned int ccsds_complete ( unsigned int *  beg,
unsigned char *  dat,
unsigned int *  lsf,
unsigned int *  evt,
unsigned int *  end,
unsigned int  nevts,
unsigned int  apid,
unsigned int  seq 
) [static]

Completes the CCSDS header.

The total length of the packet, including the CCSDS header, in bytes.
beg The beginning address of the packet
dat The beginning address of the data portion of the CCSDS packet.
lsf The beginning address of the LSF datagram
evt The beginning address of the current event packet
end The ending address of the packet
nevts The nubmer of events in the event packet
apid The base apid
seq The CCSDS sequence count

References _LSE_time::f, LSE__timestampGet(), and _LSE_time::ull.

Referenced by LSEW_dgmClose().

static __inline void datagram_close ( unsigned int *  beg,
const unsigned int *  end,
unsigned int  dgm_id 
) [static]

Closes out (completes) the current data packet by filling in the LSF packet header.

beg The beginning of the event contribution to closeout
end The end of the event contribution to closeout
dgm_id The LAT Science Format datagram identifier

static __inline unsigned int evt_close ( unsigned int *  beg,
const unsigned int *  end,
unsigned int  id,
unsigned short int  bridge 
) [static]

Closes out (completes) the current event contribution by filling in the LSF event header.

end, i.e. the current value of the write pointer
beg The beginning of the event contribution to closeout
end The end of the event contribution to closeout
id The LSF id of the event contribution
bridge Arbitrary bridge word filled into the header.

Referenced by LSEW_dgmEvtClose(), and LSEW_dgmUpdate().

static __inline unsigned int * evt_open ( unsigned int *  cur  )  [static]

Opens a new event record contribution.

Pointer to where the data bytes should be inserted
cur The beginning of the event contribution

Referenced by LSEW_dgmEvtOpen(), and LSEW_dgmUpdate().

static __inline unsigned int * evt_size ( void   )  [static]

Returns the minimum size of a new event contribution.

The size, in 32-bit integers of a minimum event contribution
The absolute minimum size needed is the size of the contribution header. One could argue that any real event contribution record must contain at least 1 event. The issue here is what is the minimum size of an event. Certainly it must consist of at least the record header. Since information can be carried in the bridge word, it is technically possible that an event can consist of only the these two objects.
Note that the only thing one absolutely must do is to return the maximum number of bytes that evt_open will consume. Making this number larger has two opposing effects
  1. If it is too large, an event that would fit may be rejected
  2. Saves adding an context udpate record only to have it pitched when it is discovered the event does not fit.

Referenced by LSEW_dgmUpdate().

unsigned int* LSEW_dgmBeg ( const LSEW_dgm dgm  ) 

Returns the value of the beginning of the specified event datagram.

The value of the beginning of the specified event datagram
dgm The event datagram to query

References _LSEW_dgmBuf::beg, and _LSEW_dgm::buf.

int LSEW_dgmBufSet ( LSEW_dgm dgm,
unsigned int *  buf,
int  buf_size 

Sets the specified buffer as the new output buffer.

dgm The output control block
buf The new buffer
buf_size The size, in bytes, of the new buffer

References _LSEW_dgmBuf::beg, _LSEW_dgm::buf, _LSEW_dgmBuf::cur, _LSEW_dgm::dat, _LSEW_dgmBuf::end, _LSEW_dgm::hdr_size, _LSEW_dgm::lsf, and _LSEW_dgm::nevts.

Referenced by datagram_close(), and LSEW_dgmFwBufSet().

unsigned int* LSEW_dgmClose ( LSEW_dgm dgm,
unsigned int *  cur,
unsigned int  reason 

Closes out the datagram; it is now ready to be written out.

Pointer to the next write location. Everything from the beginning pointer to this pointer should be written out.
dgm The event datagram to close
cur The next write pointer, unless NULL, then it is ignored
reason One of an enumeration describing why this event datagram is being closed.

References _LSEW_dgm::apid, _LSEW_dgmBuf::beg, _LSEW_dgm::buf, ccsds_complete(), _LSEW_dgm::ccsds_seq, _LSEW_dgm::ctx, _LSEW_dgmBuf::cur, _LSEW_dgm::dat, datagram_close(), _LSEW_dgm::dgm_id, _LSEW_dgmBuf::end, _LSEW_dgm::evt, LSEW_ctxCloseAdd(), _LSEW_dgm::lsf, and _LSEW_dgm::nevts.

Referenced by datagram_close().

unsigned int* LSEW_dgmCommit ( LSEW_dgm dgm,
unsigned int *  cur 

Commits the current write by updating the write potnter.

Pointer to where to put the next data item, i.e. cur rounded to the nearest 4-byte boundary.
dgm The output control block
cur The current write pointer.

References _LSEW_dgm::buf, _LSEW_dgmBuf::cur, and RND_UP.

Referenced by LSEW_dgmFwUsrAdd().

const LSEW_ctxPub* LSEW_dgmCtxPub ( const LSEW_dgm dgm  ) 

Returns a pointer to the public context structure.

A pointer to the public context structure
dgm The event datagram to query

References _LSEW_dgm::ctx, and _LSEW_ctx::pub.

Referenced by LSEW_dgmFwCtxPub().

unsigned int* LSEW_dgmCur ( const LSEW_dgm dgm  ) 

Returns the value of the beginning of the specified event datagram.

The value of the current write pointer of the specified event datagram
dgm The event datagram to query

References _LSEW_dgm::buf, and _LSEW_dgmBuf::cur.

unsigned int* LSEW_dgmEnd ( const LSEW_dgm dgm  ) 

Returns the value of the end of the specified event datagram.

The value of the current write pointer of the specified event datagram
dgm The event datagram to query

References _LSEW_dgm::buf, and _LSEW_dgmBuf::end.

unsigned int* LSEW_dgmEvtClose ( LSEW_dgm dgm  ) 

Completes the final processing of an event just before it is presented to the output stream.

The number of bytes to be written
dgm The datagram to close the event contribution

References _LSEW_dgm::buf, _LSEW_dgmBuf::cur, _LSEW_dgm::evt, evt_close(), _LSEW_dgm::evt_id, and _LSEW_dgm::nevts.

Referenced by datagram_close(), and LSEW_dgmFwUsrAdd().

unsigned int* LSEW_dgmEvtCommit ( LSEW_dgm dgm,
unsigned int *  cur 

Commits this event. This does two things, updates the current write pointer and increments the number of events in this contribution.

Pointer to where to put the next data item
dgm The output control block
cur The current write pointer, if NULL, then the internal value of the write pointer is used.

References _LSEW_dgm::buf, _LSEW_dgmBuf::cur, _LSEW_dgm::nevts, and RND_UP.

Referenced by LSEW_dgmFwEvtAdd().

unsigned int* LSEW_dgmEvtOpen ( LSEW_dgm dgm,
unsigned int *  cur 

Opens a new event datagram.

Pointer to where to put the next data item
dgm The output control block
cur The current write pointer, if NULL, then the internal value of the write pointer is used.

References _LSEW_dgm::buf, _LSEW_dgmBuf::cur, _LSEW_dgm::evt, evt_open(), and _LSEW_dgm::nevts.

Referenced by datagram_open().

unsigned int LSEW_dgmInit ( LSEW_dgm dgm,
unsigned short int  apid,
unsigned int  dgm_id,
LSF_CPU_K  cpu,
LSF_ORIGIN_K  origin 

Initializes the control structure.

Status, currently always successs (0)
dgm The output control structure to initialize
apid The application id to use in the CCSDS packets
dgm_id The LAT Science Format Data Id (LSF) to use
cpu The CPU identifier
origin The originating data source (ie LAT, GLEAM, etc)

References _LSEW_dgm::apid, _LSEW_dgm::ccsds_seq, _LSEW_dgm::ctx, _LSEW_dgm::dgm_id, _LSEW_dgm::evt_id, _LSEW_dgm::hdr_size, LSE_ID_EVT_VERSION_K_3, LSE_ID_K_EVT, and LSEW_ctxInit().

Referenced by LSEW_dgmFwInit().

unsigned int LSEW_dgmLeft32 ( const LSEW_dgm dgm  ) 

Returns the number of 32 words left in the buffer.

The value of the current write pointer of the specified event datagram
dgm The event datagram to query

void LSEW_dgmModeChange ( LSEW_dgm dgm,
LSF_MODE_K  mode 

Changes the current data-taking mode.

dgm The destination event datagram context
mode The new data-taking mode
This routine does two things
  1. Sets the new data-taking mode
  2. Bumps the mode sequence number to indicate an update

References _LSEW_dgm::ctx, and LSEW_ctxModeChange().

Referenced by LSEW_dgmFwModeChange().

unsigned int* LSEW_dgmOpen ( LSEW_dgm dgm,
unsigned int  reason,
unsigned int  evt_seq,
const EBF_gem *  gem 

Opens a new event datagram.

Pointer to where to put the next data item
dgm The output control block
reason One of an enumeration describing why this event datagram is being opened
evt_seq The event sequence number
gem The GEM contributor

References _LSEW_dgm::buf, _LSEW_dgm::ctx, _LSEW_dgmBuf::end, LSEW_ctxOpenAdd(), and _LSEW_dgm::lsf.

Referenced by datagram_open().

void LSEW_dgmRootClose ( LSEW_dgm dgm,
const unsigned int *  end 

dgm The output control block
end Pointer to the end of the root contribution

References _LSEW_dgm::lsf.

Referenced by datagram_open().

void LSEW_dgmRunStart ( LSEW_dgm dgm,
unsigned int  runId,
unsigned int  startTime,
LSF_MODE_K  mode 

Sets the context for a new run.

dgm The event datagram control handle
runId The run identifier
startTime The run start time to the nearest second
mode The running mode

References _LSEW_dgm::ctx, and LSEW_ctxRunStart().

Referenced by LSEW_dgmFwRunStart().

unsigned int* LSEW_dgmUpdate ( LSEW_dgm dgm,
unsigned int  evt_seq,
const EBF_gem *  gem 

Updates the current datagram, adding a time record if necessary.

Pointer to where to put the next data item or NULL if could not fit in the update records
dgm The output control block
evt_seq The event sequence number
gem The GEM contributor
This routine has one quirky bit of behavior. If a update time record is deemed necessary, the update time record and the beginnings of a new event contribution are added to the output, but the current write pointer is not committed. The reason for this is because it is not yet known whether the event about to be added will fit.
If it fits, the user will add it at the location returned by this routine and do a LSEW_dgmCommit on the location returned by his event add routine. This commit will then commit both the update time contribution and the new event.
If the event does not fit, while the added information will effectively be forgotten and the user will close the datagram out.
This strategy simplifies the user code at the expense of occassionally going through all the work to add the time update record and open a new event contribution only to have it thrown away. The only alternative to this method was to demand the user determine beforehand whether the event fit or not. This was deemed
  1. In some cases, very hard for the user to determine the size without actually formatting the event
  2. Just made for an awkward call interface.

References _LSEW_dgm::buf, _LSEW_dgm::ctx, _LSEW_dgmBuf::cur, _LSEW_dgmBuf::end, _LSEW_dgm::evt, evt_close(), _LSEW_dgm::evt_id, evt_open(), evt_size(), LSEW_ctxUpdateAdd(), MAXIMUM_EVENTS_PER_CONTRIBUTION, and _LSEW_dgm::nevts.

Referenced by LSEW_dgmFwEvtAdd().

Generated on Fri Nov 30 11:09:48 2012 by  doxygen 1.5.8