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fesFile.c File Reference

Routines for file operations. More...

#include <fesFile.h>
#include <fesFileP.h>
#include <fesMsgs.h>
#include <fesParm.h>
#include <fesUtil.h>
#include <EMSG/EMSG_pubdefs.h>
#include <NMSG/nmsgLib.h>
#include <PBI/PTR.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <VBI/vxwdef.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>


int fesFileDiskFormat (int unit, int noConf)
 Format a disk drive.
int fesFileInit (void)
 Initialize the file information.
int fesFileClose (void *fileH)
 Close a file.
int fesFileCopy (const char *sName, const char *dName, int copyTree)
 Copy files matching a pattern.
int fesFileDel (const char *name, int option, int fOptns, int *nDelete)
 Delete files matching a pattern.
int fesFileDirCre (const char *name, int creInt, int *errorP)
 Create directories.
int fesFileDirNameComp (const char *dName1, const char *dName2)
 Compare two directory names.
int fesFileDiskInfoGet (const char *name, char *nName, int *nDisk, fesDiskInfo_t **dInfo)
 Get disk information.
const char * fesFileDiskName (int unit, int system)
 Get disk name.
int fesFileDiskShow (const char *name)
 Show disk information.
int fesFileDump (const char *name, long long first, int count, int pSize, int optns)
 Dump the contents of a file.
int fesFileFlush (void *fileH)
 Flush write data to a file.
int fesFileInfoAdd (const char *data, char **info, int *iLeng, int *cLeng)
 Add new item of file information.
int fesFileInfoGet (const char *name, int optns, char *nName, int *fISize, char **fInfo)
 Get file information.
int fesFileInfoNext (const char *info, fesDirInfo_t **dInfo, fesFileInfo_t **fInfo, int *newDir)
 Get next item of file information.
fesFileInfo_t ** fesFileInfoSort (const fesDirInfo_t *dInfo, const fesFileInfo_t *fInfo, int sortType)
 Sort file information.
int fesFileNameComp (const char *fName1, const char *fName2)
 Compare two file names.
int fesFileOpen (void **fileH, const char *name, int flags)
 Open a file.
int fesFileRead (void *fileH, char *data, int lData, int *nRead)
 Read from a file.
int fesFileRename (const char *name, const char *nName)
 Rename a file.
int fesFileSeek (void *fileH, int base, long long offset, long long *posn)
 Position a file.
int fesFileShow (const char *name, int optns, int dispType, int sortType)
 Show file information.
int fesFileStat (void *fileH, fesFileStat_t *fStat)
 Get file status information.
int fesFileStatShow (const char *name)
 Show file status information.
int fesFileTimeRead (const char *name, int bufSize, int check)
 Time reading a file.
int fesFileTimeWrite (const char *name, long long flSize, int bufSize)
 Time writing a file.
int fesFileUtime (const char *name, unsigned int *aTime, unsigned int *mTime)
 Update file times.
int fesFileWrite (void *fileH, const char *data, int lData, int *nWrte)
 Write to a file.

Detailed Description

Routines for file operations.

Owen H Saxton
$Id: fesFile.c,v 1.35 2011/09/29 00:11:31 saxton Exp $

Function Documentation

int fesFileClose ( void *  fileH  ) 

Close a file.

This routine closes a file.

fileH The handle of the file, returned when the file was opened.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The file was successfully closed.
FES_xxx An error occurred.

Referenced by fesDataDisp(), fesDataGen(), fesDataGenPedes(), fesDataGenTrig(), fesFileDump(), fesFileTimeRead(), fesFileTimeWrite(), fesTextClose(), and fesTextOpenR().

int fesFileCopy ( const char *  sName,
const char *  dName,
int  copyTree 

Copy files matching a pattern.

All the files matching the specified pattern are copied to the specified destination.

sName The source file name pattern, which may have an optional node name prepended to it and separated by a colon. The file name proper may contain the usual wildcard characters ("?" and "*"), but the device and directory names may not. If the file name proper is empty, all files in the directory are copied.
dName The destination file or directory name, which may have an optional node name prepended to it and separated by a colon. If the source name specifies more than one file, this must be a directory name.
copyTree Specifies whether matching directories and all files in the tree below each are copied. If FALSE (zero), only matching files are copied.
Return values:
FES_LONGNODE Node name too long.
FES_CANTCONN Can't connect to remote node.
FES_LONGFNAM Directory name too long.
FES_DDIRMSSG Destination directory not found.
FES_COPYTREE Attempt to copy tree to a file.
FES_EDIROPEN Can't open source directory.
FES_EDIRREAD Error reading source directory.
FES_NOFILINF Can't get file information.
FES_EDIRCRE Can't create destination directory.
FES_COPYMULT Attempt to copy multiple files to one.
FES_COPYSELF Attempt to overwrite an input file.
FES_EFILOPEN Can't open input file.
FES_EFILECRE Can't create output file.
FES_NOMEMORY Insufficient memory for data buffer.
FES_EFILERD Error reading input file.
FES_EFILEWRT Error writing output file.

int fesFileDel ( const char *  name,
int  option,
int  fOptns,
int *  nDelete 

Delete files matching a pattern.

All the files matching the specified pattern are deleted.

name The file name pattern. Refer to the description of fesFileInfoGet for more information.
option An option specifying the way the deletion is carried out. The possible values are: 0: Confirm each file to be deleted. > 0: Display a message after each file deleted. < 0: Silently delete all matching files. When confirmation is requested, several possible responses are available: y: Delete this file a: Delete this and all other matching files without further confirmation. A message is displayed for each file deleted. q: Don't delete any more files. d: Don't delete any more files from the current directory. n: (or anything else) Don't delete this file.
fOptns File processing options expressed as the OR of the following possible values:
  • FPO_SRCHTRE: Search the directory tree below matching directories for instances of matching files to delete
  • FPO_DELTREE: Delete all files in the tree below each match that is a directory
nDelete The address of an integer to receive the number of files deleted, or NULL if this number is not needed.
Return values:
FES_NOFILNAM No file name specified.
FES_LONGNODE Node name too long.
FES_ECONNECT Can't connect to remote node.

Referenced by fesDataDel().

int fesFileDirCre ( const char *  name,
int  creInt,
int *  errorP 

Create directories.

The specified directory is created in the system. There may be several instances of it depending on how the disk is specified in the name.

name The directory name specifier. If it starts with a slash, the beginning part (i.e. up to the next slash) is taken to be a disk name, and can contain wild-card characters. Otherwise all data disks (i.e. those with names ending in "b") are used. The remainder of the name is the full path name of the directory to be created.
creInt A flag which, if TRUE, causes all intermediate directories to be created, if necessary. Otherwise the parent directory of the directory to be created must already exist.
errorP The address of an integer to receive a mask of bits indicating which of the disks had an error. If NULL, no error mask is returned.
Return values:
FES_LONGNODE Node name too long.
FES_CANTCONN Cannot connect to remote node.
FES_LONGDISK Disk name too long.
FES_NODSKFND No matching disks found.
FES_EDIRCRE Error creating directory.

int fesFileDirNameComp ( const char *  dName1,
const char *  dName2 

Compare two directory names.

This routine compares two directory names and returns a value indicating the outcome. The comparison is first done using a case-insensitive compare tailored for directory names ("/" comes before any other character), then an exact compare if the first shows equality.

dName1 The address of the first directory name.
dName2 The address of the second directory name.
Return values:
0 The names are the same.
1 The first name comes lexically after the second.
-1 The first name comes lexically before the second.

int fesFileDiskFormat ( int  unit,
int  noConf 

Format a disk drive.

This routine formats the specified disk drive by creating two partitions on it, one small and one large.

unit The unit number of the disk drive.
noConf If TRUE, the operation is not confirmed interactively before proceeding.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS Formatting was successful.
FES_INVUNIT Invalid unit number.
FES_OPABORT Operation aborted by operator.
FES_EATACRE Error creating ATA device.
FES_EPARTCRE Error creating disk partitions.
FES_EDISKCRE Error creating disk devices.
FES_EDISKFMT Error formatting disk.

int fesFileDiskInfoGet ( const char *  name,
char *  nName,
int *  nDisk,
fesDiskInfo_t **  dInfo 

Get disk information.

This routine gets information about the specified disks and returns it in allocated memory. On a Unix system, information is obtained about specified mounted file systems.

name The disk name specifier, which can start with an optional node name terminated with a colon, and which can also contain wild-card characters. If the disk name proper is empty, it defaults to all non-system disks on FES nodes, and to all mounted file systems on Unix systems.
nName The address of an area, at least FES_NNAME_MAX bytes long, to receive the node name specified in the disk name; or NULL to ignore the node name.
nDisk The address of an integer to receive the number of disks matching the specifier.
dInfo The address of a pointer to receive the address of the generated array of disk information. The memory used by this array must be freed after being used.
Return values:
FES_NODSKFND No matching disks.
FES_CANTCONN Can't connect to remote node.
FES_NOMEMORY No memory available for disk info.
FES_EDISKINF Error obtaining disk information.

References fesDiskInfo_s::aBlks, fesFileStatFs_s::bavail, fesFileStatFs_s::bfree, fesDiskInfo_s::blkSize, fesFileStatFs_s::blocks, fesFileStatFs_s::bsize, fesDiskInfo_s::fBlks, fesErrnoTran(), fesDiskInfo_s::name, and fesDiskInfo_s::nBlks.

Referenced by fesFileDiskShow().

const char* fesFileDiskName ( int  unit,
int  system 

Get disk name.

This routine gets the name of the disk associated with a given disk number and type.

unit The disk number.
system FALSE for a data disk partition; TRUE for a system partition.
The address of the disk name or NULL if the disk number is out of range.

Referenced by fesDataDel(), fesDataDisp(), fesDataInfoGet(), fesDataJoin(), fesDataLoad(), and fesDataRename().

int fesFileDiskShow ( const char *  name  ) 

Show disk information.

Information about the specified disks is displayed.

name The disk name specifier, which can contain wild-card characters. It may also start with a node name, separated from the rest of the name by a colon, in which case the disks on the remote node are used.
Always 0.

References fesDiskInfo_s::aBlks, fesDiskInfo_s::blkSize, fesDiskInfo_s::fBlks, fesFileDiskInfoGet(), fesDiskInfo_s::name, and fesDiskInfo_s::nBlks.

int fesFileDump ( const char *  name,
long long  first,
int  count,
int  pSize,
int  optns 

Dump the contents of a file.

This routine produces a formatted hexadecimal dump of the specified portion of a file.

name The address of the name of the file to be dumped. The name may start with a node name followed by a colon in order to specify a file on a remote node.
first The offset within the file of the first byte to be dumped.
count The maximum number of bytes to be dumped. If non- positive, the only limit is the end of the file.
pSize The page size to use. This is the number of lines to display at a time before pausing to prompt for the next page. If zero, the default value of 24 is used. If negative, the output is not paused.
optns A word containing option bits controlling the format of the dump. Recognized bits are the following:
Always 0.

References FDO_BYTES, FDO_LITEND, FDO_SHORTS, FDO_TEXT, FDO_WIDE, fesFileClose(), fesFileOpen(), fesFileRead(), fesFileSeek(), FFO_RDONLY, and FFS_START.

int fesFileFlush ( void *  fileH  ) 

Flush write data to a file.

This routine flushes any buffered write data to a file.

fileH The handle of the file, returned when the file was opened.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The file was successfully flushed.
FES_xxx An error occurred.

Referenced by fesTextFlush().

int fesFileInfoAdd ( const char *  data,
char **  info,
int *  iLeng,
int *  cLeng 

Add new item of file information.

This routine adds a new item of file information to the end of a file information block.

data The address of the data to be added. It must point to a valid information item: directory, file or end.
info The address of a pointer containing the address of the file information block. If the pointer is NULL, a new block is allocated with the length specified by iLeng, or a default if this is zero. The pointer may also be updated if the block is too short to hold the new data and has to be re-allocated.
iLeng The address of an integer to specify the initial or current length of the file information block, or to receive the new length if the block is re-allocated.
cLeng The address of an integer to receive the current used length in the file information block. This should not be changed between calls.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The new data was added successfully.
FES_NOMEMORY The block was too short, and re-allocation failed (reported).

References ITP_DIR, ITP_FILE, fesFileInfo_s::name, fesDirInfo_s::name, and fesDirInfo_s::type.

Referenced by fesDataInfoGet().

int fesFileInfoGet ( const char *  name,
int  optns,
char *  nName,
int *  fISize,
char **  fInfo 

Get file information.

This routine gets information about all the files matching the given pattern and puts it into a formatted information block.

name The file name pattern. This can contain up to five parts - the node name, the disk name, the directory name, the file name stem, and the file type, each of which, except for the node name, can contain the standard wild-card characters "?" (match any one character) and "*" (match zero or more characters). The node name, if present, is separated from the rest of the file name by a colon. If absent, the local node is used. The presence of a disk name is indicated by a leading "/", and if absent, defaults to all data disks (name ends in "b"). It is separated from any following components by a "/". The directory name is everything up to the last "/" in the name (following any disk name). The file name proper is the remainder of the name, with the stem being everything up to the last ".", and the type being the remainder. The stem and type both default to "*" if absent.
optns Processing options, expressed as the OR of the following possible values:
  • FPO_IGNCASE: Ignore case when matching file names
  • FPO_SRCHTRE: Search the directory tree below matching directories for instances of matching files
nName The address of an area, at least FES_NNAME_MAX bytes long, to receive the node name specified in the file name; or NULL to ignore the node name.
fISize The address of an integer to receive the size of the generated file information block.
fInfo The address of a pointer to receive the address of the file information block. This block must be freed after use via the free() function.
Return values:
FES_NAMELONG Overall name too long.
FES_LONGDISK Disk name too long.
FES_LONGFNAM File name stem too long.
FES_LONGFTYP File type too long.
FES_CANTCONN Can't connect to remote node.
FES_NODSKFND No matching disks found.
FES_NOMEMORY Insufficient memory for directory or file info.

Referenced by fesDataInfoGet(), and fesFileShow().

int fesFileInfoNext ( const char *  info,
fesDirInfo_t **  dInfo,
fesFileInfo_t **  fInfo,
int *  newDir 

Get next item of file information.

This routine gets the next item of file information from a file information block previously generated by a call to fesFileInfoGet.

info The address of the file information block.
dInfo The address of a pointer to receive the address of the directory information for the next file. The pointer must be set to NULL before the first call to this routine. It is returned as NULL when the end of the information has been reached. The pointer value must not be changed between successive calls.
fInfo The address of a pointer to receive the address of the file information for the next file. The pointer will be NULL if an empty directory is returned. The pointer value must not be changed between successive calls.
newDir The address of an integer which will be set to TRUE if the item is in a new directory, or FALSE if it isn't.
Return values:

References ITP_END, ITP_FILE, fesFileInfo_s::name, fesDirInfo_s::name, fesDirInfo_s::type, and fesFileInfo_s::type.

Referenced by fesDataDel(), fesDataInfoGet(), fesDataShow(), fesFileInfoSort(), and fesFileShow().

fesFileInfo_t** fesFileInfoSort ( const fesDirInfo_t dInfo,
const fesFileInfo_t fInfo,
int  sortType 

Sort file information.

This routine sorts the supplied file information into the requested order. It doesn't change the input data, but returns an array of sorted file information pointers.

dInfo The address of the directory information for the file information to be sorted.
fInfo The address of the file information to be sorted.
sortType The type of sort to be performed on the data. Possible values are:
The address of an array of file data pointers sorted in the specified order. The memory used by this array must be freed after being used. The value NULL is returmed if the file list is empty, if no sort is requested, of if no memory is available.

References fesFileInfoNext(), fesFileNameComp(), FST_DATE, FST_NAME, FST_NONE, FST_SIZE, fesFileInfo_s::mTime, fesFileInfo_s::name, fesDirInfo_s::nFile, and fesFileInfo_s::size.

Referenced by fesDataDel(), fesDataInfoGet(), and fesFileShow().

int fesFileInit ( void   ) 

Initialize the file information.

This routine initializes the file information by defining names for all the hard disk partitions present.

Return values:
FES_SUCCESS Initialization was successful.
FES_EDISKCRE Error creating disk devices.

int fesFileNameComp ( const char *  fName1,
const char *  fName2 

Compare two file names.

This routine compares two file names and returns a value indicating the outcome. The comparison is first done using a case-insensitive compare, then an exact compare if the first shows equality.

fName1 The address of the first file name.
fName2 The address of the second file name.
Return values:
0 The names are the same.
1 The first name comes lexically after the second.
-1 The first name comes lexically before the second.

Referenced by fesDataInfoGet(), and fesFileInfoSort().

int fesFileOpen ( void **  fileH,
const char *  name,
int  flags 

Open a file.

This routine opens the specified file.

fileH The address of a pointer to receive the handle for the open file.
name The address of the name of the file to be opened. This may start with a node name separated from the rest of the name by a colon. In this case, the file is opened on the remote node.
flags The flag value specifying how to open the file. This can have one of the values FFO_RDONLY, FFO_WRONLY, or FFO_RDWR, optionally ORed with any of FFO_CREAT, FFO_APPEND and FFO_TRUNC.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The file was successfully opened.
FES_xxx An error occurred.

Referenced by fesDataDisp(), fesFileDump(), fesFileTimeRead(), fesFileTimeWrite(), fesTextOpenR(), and fesTextOpenW().

int fesFileRead ( void *  fileH,
char *  data,
int  lData,
int *  nRead 

Read from a file.

This routine reads data from a file.

fileH The handle of the file, returned when the file was opened.
data The address where the read data is to be stored.
lData The maximum number of bytes to read.
nRead The address of an integer to receive the number of bytes read.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The read was successful.
FES_EOFREAD End of file was reached.
FES_xxx A read error occurred.

References fesErrnoTran(), and fesNmsgErrTran().

Referenced by fesFileDump(), and fesFileTimeRead().

int fesFileRename ( const char *  name,
const char *  nName 

Rename a file.

This routine changes the name of a file.

name The address of the name of the file to be renamed. The name may start with a node name followed by a colon in order to specify a file on a remote node.
nName The address of the new name of the file. If it starts with a node name, it must be the same as the node in the old file name. If it consists only of a directory name (i.e. it ends with "/"), the file is renamed into this directory. If the new name contains no directory name, the file is renamed in its original directory.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The file was renamed successfully.
FES_NOFILNAM A file name is missing.
FES_DIFNODES The new name specifies a different node.
FES_CANTCONN Unable to connect to remote node.
FES_EFILEREN An error occurred doing the rename.

Referenced by fesDataRename().

int fesFileSeek ( void *  fileH,
int  base,
long long  offset,
long long *  posn 

Position a file.

This routine seeks to a new position in a file.

fileH The handle of the file, returned when the file was opened.
base The base for the new offset: FFS_START, FFS_CURR, or FFS_END.
offset The offset of the requested position from the base.
posn The address of a long long integer to receive the resulting absolute position in the file, or NULL if the position is not wanted.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The seek was successful.
FES_xxx An error occurred.

References fesErrnoTran(), fesNmsgErrTran(), FFS_CURR, and FFS_START.

Referenced by fesFileDump().

int fesFileShow ( const char *  name,
int  optns,
int  dispType,
int  sortType 

Show file information.

The names of all the files on a node matching the specified pattern are displayed, along with their sizes and modification times.

name The file name pattern. Refer to the description of fesFileInfoGet for more information.
optns Processing options, expressed as the OR of the following possible values:
  • FPO_IGNCASE: Ignore case when matching file names
  • FPO_SRCHTRE: Search the directory tree below matching directories for instances of matching files
dispType The way the data is to be displayed. It consists of the logical OR of the possible bit values:
  • FDT_NODIR: Don't display directory names separately
  • FDT_NOINFO: Don't display file size or date info
sortType The type of sort to be performed on the file names within each directory (directories are always sorted by full path name). Possible values are:
Always 0.

References FDT_NODIR, FDT_NOINFO, fesFileInfoGet(), fesFileInfoNext(), fesFileInfoSort(), fesTimeStr(), IST_OKAY, IST_TRUNC, fesFileInfo_s::mode, fesFileInfo_s::mTime, fesFileInfo_s::name, fesDirInfo_s::name, fesFileInfo_s::size, fesFileInfo_s::stat, and fesDirInfo_s::stat.

int fesFileStat ( void *  fileH,
fesFileStat_t fStat 

Get file status information.

This routine gets status information about an open file.

fileH The handle of the file, returned when the file was opened.
fStat The address of the area to receive the file status data.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The status was successfully obtained.
FES_xxx An error occurred.

References fesFileStat_s::atime, fesFileStat_s::blksize, fesFileStat_s::blocks, fesFileStat_s::ctime, fesFileStat_s::dev, fesNmsgErrTran(), fesFileStat_s::gid, fesFileStat_s::inode, fesFileStat_s::mode, fesFileStat_s::mtime, fesFileStat_s::nlink, fesFileStat_s::rdev, fesFileStat_s::size, and fesFileStat_s::uid.

int fesFileStatShow ( const char *  name  ) 

Show file status information.

This routine displays detailed information about a file.

name The address of the name of the file. The name may start with a node name followed by a colon in order to specify a file on a remote node.
Always 0.

References fesFileStat_s::atime, fesFileStat_s::blksize, fesFileStat_s::blocks, fesFileStat_s::ctime, fesFileStat_s::dev, fesTimeStr(), fesFileStat_s::gid, fesFileStat_s::inode, fesFileStat_s::mode, fesFileStat_s::mtime, fesFileStat_s::nlink, fesFileStat_s::rdev, fesFileStat_s::size, and fesFileStat_s::uid.

int fesFileTimeRead ( const char *  name,
int  bufSize,
int  check 

Time reading a file.

This routine reads the specified file and measures how long it takes. Any errors are reported.

name The name of the file to be read.
bufSize The size of the buffer to read the file into.
check If TRUE, the read data is compared with the standard used in write testing. Otherwise no check is done.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The file was read successfully.
FES_NOMEMORY Insufficient memory for buffer.
FES_xxx An error occurred.

References fesFileClose(), fesFileOpen(), fesFileRead(), and FFO_RDONLY.

int fesFileTimeWrite ( const char *  name,
long long  flSize,
int  bufSize 

Time writing a file.

This routine writes the specified file and measures how long it takes. Any error is reported.

name The name of the file to be written.
flSize The size of the file to be written.
bufSize The size of the buffer to write the file from.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The file was written successfully.
FES_NOMEMORY Insufficient memory for buffer.
FES_xxx An error occurred.

References fesFileClose(), fesFileOpen(), fesFileWrite(), FFO_CREAT, FFO_TRUNC, and FFO_WRONLY.

int fesFileUtime ( const char *  name,
unsigned int *  aTime,
unsigned int *  mTime 

Update file times.

This routine updates the access and modification times of a file.

name The name of the file to be operated on.
aTime The address of the new access time to be set on the file, or NULL to leave it unchanged.
mTime The address of the new modification time to be set on the file, or NULL to leave it unchanged.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The file was updated successfully.
FES_xxx An error occurred.

int fesFileWrite ( void *  fileH,
const char *  data,
int  lData,
int *  nWrte 

Write to a file.

This routine writes data to a file.

fileH The handle of the file, returned when the file was opened.
data The address of the data to be written.
lData The number of bytes to write.
nWrte The address of an integer to receive the number of bytes written, or NULL if this isn't wanted.
Return values:
FES_SUCCESS The write completed successfully.
FES_xxx An error occurred.

References fesErrnoTran().

Referenced by fesDataGen(), fesDataGenPedes(), fesDataGenTrig(), fesFileTimeWrite(), and fesTextWrite().

Generated on Fri Sep 30 16:30:35 2011 by  doxygen 1.5.8