GLAST / LAT > DAQ and FSW > FSW > Doxygen Index> EDS / V2-11-5 > ebfio / rhel4-32

Interface   Data Structures   File List   Data Fields   Globals  

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_EBF_ctbTemplate of a contributor
_EBF_ctbHdrLays out the standard 2 header words of every contributor
_EBF_dirA data structure describing all contributors data within an event
_EBF_dirAuxDscA data structure describing a TEMs auxillary blocks, i.e. the diagnostic and error blocks
_EBF_dirCtbDscA data structure describing a contributors data
_EBF_dirCtbRestartContributor restart context
_EBF_dirExpectedCaptures, by value, the expected values of many of the fields in the contributor header words used when checking an event for integrity
_EBF_dirPktDscDescribes one packet from the sequence of packets that comprises the event
_EBF_dirReduxEncapsulates information gleaned from the event's EDW and each contributor's EBWand ESW
_EBF_dirTruncatedCollections information about truncated packets/events. This is used to reassemble the contributor
_EBF_ebwDefines the LATP cell header and EBM word as a union between an unsigned int and the bit field structure
_EBF_ebw_bfLayout of a LATP cell + EBM word
_EBF_ebw_usLayout of a LATP cell + EBM word as unsigned short ints
_EBF_edwUnion of the 32-bit integer representation and the bit-field representation of the event descriptor word
_EBF_edw_bfMap of LCB event descriptor word with broken down status fields
_EBF_eswDefines the contributor's event summary word as a union between an unsigned int and the bit field structure
_EBF_esw_bfDefines the contributor's event summary word as a bit field structure
_EBF_evtTemplate of an event as it appears in the LCB ring buffer
_EBF_evts_esThe iterator control structure
_EBF_evts_uThe iterator control structure
_EBF_gemLays out the format of the GEM data block from the event builder. This does not include the LCB header
_EBF_gem_calHiLoCAL HI/CAL LO trigger mask as both an uninterpretted 32-bit integer an two 16-bit integers
_EBF_gem_calHiLo_fCAL HI and CAL LO trigger mask
_EBF_gem_condtimesCondition arrival times as an uninterpretted 32-bit integer and as bitfields
_EBF_gem_condtimes_bfThe condition arrival times as bit fields
_EBF_gem_deadCondCnoUnion of an uninterpretted 32-bit and field representation of the Deadzone, Condition Summary and CNO word
_EBF_gem_deadCondCno_fField representation of the Deadzone, Condition Summary and CNO word
_EBF_gem_ppstimeThe PPS time as an interpretted 32-bit integer and as bit fields
_EBF_gem_ppstime_bfThe PPS time and index as bit fields
_EBF_gem_thrTkrThrottle and 3-in-a-row as both an uninterpretted 32-bit integer an two 16-bit integers
_EBF_gem_thrTkr_fThrottle and TKR 3-in-a-row as 2 unsigned short ints
_EBF_gemAcdLays out the format of the ACD data block from the event builder
_EBF_istreamBodyInternal structure used to control the input access to an EBF file or data section
_EBF_ostreamBodyContext for an output event/packet stream
_EBF_pktTemplate of an packet as it appears in the LCB ring buffer
_EBF_pktHdrDefines the packet header area. This is the are reserve by the LCB right before the packet is dropped into the ring buffer
_EBF_pktRestartCellDefines the restart cell
_EBF_pktRestartHdrDefines the restart packet header
_EBF_pkts_psThe iterator control structure
_EBF_pkts_uThe iterator control structure
_EBF_streamStandard EBF stream handle
_EBF_streamBodyUnion of all the stream types
_EBF_streamHeaderStandard header for both input and output streams
_EDMEDM control/context handle for the Event Delivery Model
_ESX_ctlOutput file context
_LCBPLayout of the control block for the virtual LCB
_LCBP_forkEvent fork task
_LCBP_pktCbpBinds an event call back routine with its parameter
_RestartPktDefines an EBF restart packet
_streamCloseCbpStructure to bind the close callback routine with a parameter

Generated on Mon Nov 14 09:15:10 2011 by  doxygen 1.5.8