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EBF_dirPrint.c File Reference

EBF Print Utilities. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_dirPrint.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_pktPrint.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_dir.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_cid.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_evt.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_pkt.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_ctb.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_tkr.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_err.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_tem.h>


struct  _EBF_dgnErrDsc
 Descriptor for the diagnostic and error block. More...


#define LSEP   '<'
#define RSEP   '>'


typedef struct _EBF_dgnErrDsc EBF_dgnErrDsc
 Typedef for struct _EBF_dgnErrDsc.


static __inline void print_pktDsc (const EBF_dirPktDsc *dsc)
 Prints a hex dump of the specified packet descriptor.
static __inline void print_pktDscs (const EBF_dirPktDsc *dscs, int ndscs)
 Prints a hex dump of the specified list of packet descriptors.
static void print_err_raw (const EBF_dgnErrDsc *dsc)
 Prints the error record as a raw hex dump.
static void print_data (const char *name, const unsigned int *dat, int cnt)
 Simple print routine.
void EBF_dirPrint (const EBF_dir *dir)
 Provides a formatted print out of the contributors in dir.
void EBF_acdPrint (const EBF_dirCtbDsc *acd)
 Provides a formatted print out of the contents of the ACD contribution.
void EBF_calPrint (const EBF_dirCtbDsc *tem)
 Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a CAL TEM contribution.
void EBF_tkrPrint (const EBF_dirCtbDsc *tem)
 Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a TKR TEM contribution.
void EBF_dgnPrint (const EBF_dirCtbDsc *tem)
 Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a TEM's diagnostic contribution.
static int fill_DgnErrDsc (const EBF_dirCtbDsc *tem, const EBF_dirAuxDsc *aux, EBF_dgnErrDsc *dsc)
 Fills the diagnostic/error descriptor.
static int printCalErrFmt (unsigned int calMask, const unsigned short int *err, int idx)
static int check (int err)
static int printTkrErrFmt (unsigned int tkrMask, const unsigned short int *err, int idx)
static void print_err_fmt (const EBF_dgnErrDsc *dsc)
 Produces a formatted dump of the error record.
static int printCalErrRec (unsigned int calMask, const unsigned short int *err, int idx)
static int printTkrErrRec (unsigned int tkrMask, const unsigned short int *err, int idx)
static void print_err_rec (const EBF_dgnErrDsc *dsc)
void EBF_errPrint (const EBF_dirCtbDsc *tem)
 Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a TEM's error contribution.
void EBF_errPrintOpts (const EBF_dirCtbDsc *tem, const EBF_dirAuxDsc *aux, EBF_ERRPRINTOPTS_M opts)
 Print the error record. The opts controls the type of display.
void EBF_padPrint (const EBF_dirCtbDsc *tem)
 Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a TEM's pad contribution.
void EBF_gemPrint (const EBF_dirCtbDsc *gem)
 Provides a formatted print out of the contents of the GEM contribution.
void EBF_temPrint (const EBF_dirCtbDsc *tem)
 Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a TEM contribution.
void EBF_dirPktsPrint (const EBF_dir *dir)
 Prints a hex dump of the packets for this directory.

Detailed Description

EBF Print Utilities.

JJRussell -
    CVS $Id: EBF_dirPrint.c,v 1.10 2011/03/25 22:16:56 russell Exp $

Function Documentation

void EBF_acdPrint ( const EBF_dirCtbDsc *  acd  ) 

Provides a formatted print out of the contents of the ACD contribution.

acd Pointer to the ACD contributor descriptor

References print_data().

Referenced by EBF_dirPrint().

void EBF_calPrint ( const EBF_dirCtbDsc *  tem  ) 

Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a CAL TEM contribution.

tem Pointer to the TEM contributor descriptor containing the CAL record to be printed

References print_data().

Referenced by EBF_temPrint().

void EBF_dgnPrint ( const EBF_dirCtbDsc *  tem  ) 

Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a TEM's diagnostic contribution.

tem Pointer to the TEM contributor descriptor containing the diagnostic data to be printed.

References _EBF_esw::bf, _EBF_temDiag::cal, _EBF_esw_bf::dgnblk, EBF_tkrLenCalc(), _EBF_ctbHdr::esw, _EBF_ctb::hdr, print_data(), _EBF_temDiag::tkr, and _EBF_esw::ui.

Referenced by EBF_temPrint().

void EBF_dirPktsPrint ( const EBF_dir *  dir  ) 

Prints a hex dump of the packets for this directory.

dir The EBF directory

References print_pktDscs().

void EBF_dirPrint ( const EBF_dir *  dir  ) 

Provides a formatted print out of the contributors in dir.

dir The directory for this event

References _EBF_evt::ctb, EBF__ctbSequence(), EBF_acdPrint(), EBF_CID_K_AEM, EBF_CID_K_GEM, EBF_CID_K_TEM, EBF_temPrint(), and print_data().

void EBF_errPrint ( const EBF_dirCtbDsc *  tem  ) 

Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a TEM's error contribution.

tem Pointer to the TEM contributor descriptor containing the error data to be printed.

References fill_DgnErrDsc(), and print_err_raw().

Referenced by EBF_temPrint().

void EBF_errPrintOpts ( const EBF_dirCtbDsc *  tem,
const EBF_dirAuxDsc *  aux,

Print the error record. The opts controls the type of display.

tem Pointer to the TEM contributor descriptor
aux Pointer to the AUX descriptor, may be NULL
opts The print options,
See also:

References EBF_ERRPRINTOPTS_M_FMT, EBF_ERRPRINTOPTS_M_RAW, EBF_ERRPRINTOPTS_M_REC, fill_DgnErrDsc(), print_err_fmt(), and print_err_raw().

void EBF_gemPrint ( const EBF_dirCtbDsc *  gem  ) 

Provides a formatted print out of the contents of the GEM contribution.

gem A pointer to the trigger contributor descriptor.

References print_data().

void EBF_padPrint ( const EBF_dirCtbDsc *  tem  ) 

Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a TEM's pad contribution.

tem Pointer to the TEM contributor descriptor containing the pad data to be printed.

References _EBF_esw::bf, _EBF_esw_bf::dgnblk, EBF__errSize(), EBF_tkrLenCalc(), _EBF_esw_bf::errblk, _EBF_ctbHdr::esw, _EBF_ctb::hdr, print_data(), and _EBF_esw::ui.

Referenced by EBF_temPrint().

void EBF_temPrint ( const EBF_dirCtbDsc *  tem  ) 

Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a TEM contribution.

tem Pointer to the TEM contributor descriptor to be printed

References EBF_calPrint(), EBF_dgnPrint(), EBF_errPrint(), EBF_padPrint(), and EBF_tkrPrint().

Referenced by EBF_dirPrint().

void EBF_tkrPrint ( const EBF_dirCtbDsc *  tem  ) 

Provides a formatted print out of the contents of a TKR TEM contribution.

tem Pointer to the TEM contributor descriptor containing the TKR data to be printed

References EBF_tkrLenCalc(), and print_data().

Referenced by EBF_temPrint().

static int fill_DgnErrDsc ( const EBF_dirCtbDsc *  tem,
const EBF_dirAuxDsc *  aux,
EBF_dgnErrDsc dsc 
) [static]

Fills the diagnostic/error descriptor.

tem Pointer to the TEM contributor descriptor
aux Pointer to the AUX descriptor, may be NULL
dsc Pointer to the DGN/ERR descriptor to be filled

References _EBF_esw::bf, _EBF_esw_bf::dgnblk, _EBF_dgnErrDsc::dgnPtr, EBF__errSize(), EBF_tkrLenCalc(), _EBF_esw_bf::errblk, _EBF_dgnErrDsc::errLen, _EBF_dgnErrDsc::errPtr, _EBF_ctbHdr::esw, _EBF_ctb::hdr, _EBF_dgnErrDsc::tid, and _EBF_esw::ui.

Referenced by EBF_errPrint(), and EBF_errPrintOpts().

static void print_data ( const char *  name,
const unsigned int *  dat,
int  cnt 
) [static]

Simple print routine.

name The contributor's name
dat The contributor's data
cnt The length of the data section in words

Referenced by EBF_acdPrint(), EBF_calPrint(), EBF_dgnPrint(), EBF_dirPrint(), EBF_gemPrint(), EBF_padPrint(), EBF_tkrPrint(), and print_err_raw().

static print_err_fmt ( const EBF_dgnErrDsc dsc  )  [static]

static void print_err_raw ( const EBF_dgnErrDsc dsc  )  [static]

Prints the error record as a raw hex dump.

void print_err_raw (const EBF_dgnErrDsc *dsc)

dsc The descriptor giving the pointer and length of the error contribution

References _EBF_dgnErrDsc::errLen, _EBF_dgnErrDsc::errPtr, and print_data().

Referenced by EBF_errPrint(), and EBF_errPrintOpts().

static __inline void print_pktDsc ( const EBF_dirPktDsc *  dsc  )  [static]

Prints a hex dump of the specified packet descriptor.

dsc The packet descriptor

References EBF_pktPrint().

Referenced by print_pktDscs().

static __inline void print_pktDscs ( const EBF_dirPktDsc *  dscs,
int  ndscs 
) [static]

Prints a hex dump of the specified list of packet descriptors.

dscs The list of packet descriptors to print
ndscs The count of packet descriptors to print

References print_pktDsc().

Referenced by EBF_dirPktsPrint().

Generated on Tue Nov 29 16:58:58 2011 by  doxygen 1.5.8