GLAST / LAT > DAQ and FSW > FSW > Doxygen Index> EDS / V2-11-6 > eds / rad750

Interface   Data Structures   File List   Data Fields   Globals  

src Directory Reference


file  ACD_map.c
 Defines the mapping arrays to translate between ACD electronics channel numbering and ACD geometric channel numbering.
file  ACD_mapdef.h
 Defines symbols used in doing mappings to/from ACD electronics channels from/to geometric numbering. The geometric numbering is as the ACD tiles are laid out in the GEM ACD data.
file  ACD_unpack.c
 Routines to unpack the ACD data.
file  EBF_calEnergy.c
 Does a simple sum of the total CAL energy in the CAL.
file  EBF_dir.c
 EBF dir Utilities.
file  EBF_match.c
 Utilities that manages the expected values of EBW and ESW contributor words. This works at the contributor header level. It does not look at the data within a contributor.
file  EBF_matchPvt.h
 Defines the matching criteria used in checking that the values the EBW and ESW of each contributor are as expected. Doing this check goes a long ways in verifing that the event is structurally sound. It does not look at the data within a contributor.
file  EBF_siv.c
 The packet reassemble state information vector code.
file  EBF_tkr.c
 Utility routines to partially parse the tracker data.
file  ECR_acd.c
 Initializes the ACD calibration constants to a nominal set of values.
file  ECR_cal.c
 Initializes the CAL calibration constants to a nominal set of values.
file  EDR_acdRemap.h
 Defines the remapping structures to take one from electronics space to geographical space.
file  EDR_acdUnpack.c
 Routines to unpack the ACD data.
file  EDR_calUnpack.c
 Unpacks the CAL data for the whole LAT.
file  EDR_errUnpack.c
 Routines to unpack the ERR data for all towers in the LAT.
file  EDR_tkrUnpack.c
 Routines to unpack the TKR data for all towers in the LAT.
file  EDS_fw.c
 Provides a framework so that multiple event processing routines can efficiently share global work.
file  EDS_fwPvt.h
 The EDS framework control structure. This is private to the EDS package.
file  PARITY.h
 Priority calculation, callable interface.
file  PARITY.ih
 Priority calculation, inline interface and implementation.

Generated on Fri Dec 9 16:52:17 2011 by  doxygen 1.5.8