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QDF_dgn_def.h File Reference

Maps out the data structures used to decode and receive the decoded diagnostic block. More...

#include <LDT/BFU.h>
#include <PBI/Endianness.h>


struct  _QDF_maps
 Maps of towers/triggers where the diagnostic data does not match the actual data. In a perfect world these would always be 0. More...
struct  _QDF_dgnCtx
 Diagnostic Block, decoding context. More...
struct  _QDF_dgnHdrEvt
 Standard header that most go on the top of the standard and pedestal event structures. More...
struct  _QDF_dgnPedEvt
 Diagnostic Block, binds together all the information used by the higher compression levels to format the diagnostic data from a pedestal event. More...
struct  _QDF_dgnCalTrg
 Structure for the decoded CAL diagnostic trigger data. More...
union  _QDF_dgnCalAcceptMatch
 Struct of the perfect accepts maps. More...
union  _QDF_dgnCalAcceptTwr
 Union of the perfect and imperfect accepts maps for one tower. More...
struct  _QDF_dgnCalAccept
 Structure for the decoded CAL diagnostic accept data. More...
struct  _QDF_dgnCalDat
 The CAL diagnostic data, binds the CAL trigger and CAL accept data. More...
struct  _QDF_dgnTkrAccept
 Structure for the decoded TKR diagnostic accept data. More...
struct  _QDF_dgnTkrDat
 The TKR diagnostic data. This is really more for symmetry, paralleling the QDF_dgnCalDat structure. More...
struct  _QDF_dgnDat
 The diagnostic data, binding together the CAL and TKR diagnostic data. More...
struct  _QDF_dgnStdEvt
 Diagnostic Block, binds together all the information used by the higher compression levels to format the diagnostic data from a standard event. More...
struct  _QDF_dgnEvt
 Intermediate format to hold the diagnostic data while it is being decoded. More...


typedef struct _QSE_ctx QSE_ctx
 Typedef for QSE_ctx.
typedef struct _QDF_exc QDF_exc
 Typedef for struct _QDF_exc.
typedef struct _QDF_cal QDF_cal
typedef struct _EBF_gem EBF_gem
typedef struct _QDF_errEvt QDF_errEvt
typedef struct _QDF_calPedEvt QDF_calPedEvt
 Typedef for struct _QDF_calPedEvt.
typedef struct _QDF_calStdEvt QDF_calStdEvt
 Typedef for struct _QDF_calStdEvt.
typedef struct _QDF_tkrEvt QDF_tkrEvt
typedef struct _QDF_esbEvt QDF_esbEvt
typedef struct _QDF_maps QDF_maps
 Typedef for struct _QDF_maps.
typedef struct _QDF_dgnCtx QDF_dgnCtx
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnEvt.
typedef struct _QDF_dgnHdrEvt QDF_dgnHdrEvt
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnHdrEvt.
typedef struct _QDF_dgnPedEvt QDF_dgnPedEvt
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnPedEvt.
typedef struct _QDF_dgnCalTrg QDF_dgnCalTrg
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnCalTrg.
typedef struct
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnCalAcceptMatch.
typedef union _QDF_dgnCalAcceptTwr QDF_dgnCalAcceptTwr
 Typedef for union _QDF_dgnCalAcceptTwr.
typedef struct _QDF_dgnCalAccept QDF_dgnCalAccept
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnCalAccept.
typedef struct _QDF_dgnCalDat QDF_dgnCalDat
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnCalDat.
typedef struct _QDF_dgnTkrAccept QDF_dgnTkrAccept
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnTkrAccept.
typedef struct _QDF_dgnTkrDat QDF_dgnTkrDat
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnTkrDat.
typedef struct _QDF_dgnDat QDF_dgnDat
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnTemDat.
typedef struct _QDF_dgnStdEvt QDF_dgnStdEvt
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnStdEvt.
typedef struct _QDF_dgnEvt QDF_dgnEvt
 Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnEvt.


BFU QDF_dgnDecode (QDF_dgnCtx *ctx, QDF_dgnEvt *evt, unsigned int const *src, unsigned int max, BFU bfu)
BFU QDF_dgn_gen_hdr_decode (QDF_maps *maps, unsigned int const *src, unsigned int max, BFU bfu)
 Decodes two difference maps
  • The map of CAL/TKR towers whose diagnostic accept data differ from that predicted by the data.
  • The map of CAL towers whose CAL LO and/or CAL HI trigger bits differ from the GEM CAL LO and CAL HI mask trigger summary word.

BFU QDF_dgn_gen_cal_trg_decode (QDF_dgnCalTrg *trg, unsigned int calHiLo, unsigned int const *src, unsigned int max, BFU bfu)
 Decodes the CAL trigger bits portion of the diagnostic data.
BFU QDF_dgn_gen_tkr_accept_decode (QDF_dgnTkrAccept *accept, unsigned int map, unsigned int err_map, QDF_tkrEvt const *tkr, unsigned int const *src, unsigned int max, BFU bfu)
 Decodes the TKR accept bits portion of the diagnostic data.

Detailed Description

Maps out the data structures used to decode and receive the decoded diagnostic block.

JJRussell -

   CVS $Id: QDF_dgn_def.h,v 1.2 2011/03/27 01:45:44 russell Exp $

Typedef Documentation

Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnCalAccept.

This structure contains a bit map of which towers have diagnostic blocks that do not match that predicted by the data and for each such tower, an array of 8 words giving the non-matching data.

Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnCalTrg.

This structure contains a bit map of which towers have diagnostic blocks that do not match that predicted by the data and for each such tower, an array of 8 words giving the non-matching data.

Typedef for struct _QDF_dgnTkrAccept.

This structure contains a bit map of which towers have diagnostic blocks that do not match that predicted by the data and for each such tower, an array of 4 words giving the non-matching data.

Function Documentation

QDF_dgn_gen_cal_trg_decode ( QDF_dgnCalTrg trg,
unsigned int  calHiLo,
unsigned int const *  src,
unsigned int  max,
BFU  bfu 

Decodes the CAL trigger bits portion of the diagnostic data.

The updated BFU (current word being decoded and the current bit position).
trg The diagnostic CAL trigger structure to hold the decoded data.
calHiLo The map of towers that have encoded trigger bits
src The input bit stream to be decoded
max The maximum number of bits in the bit stream
bfu The value of the current 32-bit word being decoded and the current bit position.

References _QDF_dgnCalTrg::map, and _QDF_dgnCalTrg::trgs.

Referenced by QDF_dgnPedDecode(), and QDF_dgnStdDecode().

BFU QDF_dgn_gen_hdr_decode ( QDF_maps dmaps,
unsigned int const *  src,
unsigned int  max,
BFU  bfu 

Decodes two difference maps

  • The map of CAL/TKR towers whose diagnostic accept data differ from that predicted by the data.
  • The map of CAL towers whose CAL LO and/or CAL HI trigger bits differ from the GEM CAL LO and CAL HI mask trigger summary word.

The updated BFU (current word being decoded and the current bit position).
dmaps Returned with the values of the two maps
src The input bit stream to be decoded
max The maximum number of bits in the bit stream
bfu The value of the current 32-bit word being decoded and the current bit position.

References _QDF_maps::calHiLo, and _QDF_maps::ctids.

Referenced by QDF_dgnPedDecode(), and QDF_dgnStdDecode().

BFU QDF_dgn_gen_tkr_accept_decode ( QDF_dgnTkrAccept accept,
unsigned int  map,
unsigned int  err_map,
QDF_tkrEvt const *  tkr,
unsigned int const *  src,
unsigned int  max,
BFU  bfu 

Decodes the TKR accept bits portion of the diagnostic data.

The updated BFU (current word being decoded and the current bit position).
accept Array of the 72 accept bits for each tower
map The map of towers that have encoded accept bits.
err_map The map of towers that have tracker readout errors.
tkr The TKR data. The encoded data are the exceptions and must be XOR'ed with the TKR accept bits found in the data to produce the TKR diagnostic accept bits.
src The input bit stream to be decoded
max The maximum number of bits in the bit stream
bfu The value of the current 32-bit word being decoded and the current bit position.

References _QDF_dgnTkrAccept::accepts, _QDF_dgnTkrAccept::errMap, _QDF_tkrEvt::map, _QDF_dgnTkrAccept::map, repackTkrMaps(), and _QDF_tkrEvt::twrs.

Referenced by QDF_dgnPedDecode(), and QDF_dgnStdDecode().

Generated on Fri Aug 5 10:13:02 2011 by  doxygen 1.5.8