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QSEP.c File Reference

Manages the updating of the physics event context. More...

#include <QSEP/QSEP.h>
#include <QSEP/QSEP_evt0.h>
#include <QSEP_pvtdef.h>
#include <QSEP_ctxUpdate.h>
#include <QDFP_ctx.h>
#include <QDFP_evt.h>
#include <QSE/QSE_ctxUpdate.h>
#include <QSP/QSP_names.h>
#include <QSP/QFCP_cache.h>
#include <QSD/QFC_cache.h>
#include <QSD/QFR_file.h>
#include <LSF/LSF_scan.h>
#include <LSE/LSE_ids.h>
#include <PBI/PTR.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>


struct  _RootUpdateCtx
 Context of the root update function. More...


#define RND8(_x)   (((PTR_as_uint)(_x) + 7) & ~0x7)
 Round _x up to the nearest boundary of 8.
#define ARND8(_x)   ((void *)RND8((_x)))


typedef struct _RootUpdateCtx RootUpdateCtx
 Typedef for struct _RootUpdateCtx.


static LSF_scanRecordHandler root_update (RootUpdateCtx *rux, const LSF_contribution *ctb)
 Call back routine for each contribution in the root.
static __inline QFR_fileCtx * qsep_file_ctx_get (void)
 Returns the QSEP file resolution context handle.
static __inline void * qsep_dtxCtx_construct (QSEP_dtxCtx *dtxCtx, int level, void *prm, QSEP *qsep, QSEP_ctx *qsep_ctx, QSE_ctx *qse_ctx, QFR_fileCtx *qfr, int depth, void *ptr)
 Initializes the physics application specific private context.
static void * qsep_dtxEvt_construct (QSEP_dtxEvt *dtxEvt, int level, void *prm, void *ptr)
 Initializes the physics application specific private context.
static __inline void * qsep_dtx_construct (QSEP_dtx *dtx, int level, void *prm, QSEP *qsep, QSEP_ctx *qsep_ctx, QSE_ctx *qse_ctx, QFR_fileCtx *qfr, int depth, void *ptr)
 Initializes the physics application specific private context.
QSEPQSEP_alloc (int resource_level)
 Allocates and constructs the QSEP handle.
int QSEP_sizeof (unsigned int resource_level, void *prm)
 Returns the size, in bytes, of the handle for updating the standard event meta-information.
int QSEP_ebfSizeof (void)
 Returns the maximum size, in bytes, of an EBF event.
QSEPQSEP_construct (QSEP *qsep, unsigned int resource_level, void *prm)
 Construct (initializes) the handle for updating the standard event meta-information.
void QSEP_destruct (QSEP *qsep)
 Destroys the QSEP handle.
void QSEP_updateAtDatagram (QSEP *qsep, const LSF_datagram *dgm)
 Updates the run oriented information in the event context using the information from the event datagram.
void QSEP_updateAtContribution (QSEP *qsep, const LSF_contribution *ctb)
 Updates the context based on the contribution.
int QSEP_updateAtRecord (QSEP *qsep, const LSF_record *rec)
 Updates the context based on the record.
int QSEP_expand (QSEP *qsep, const LSF_record *rec, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Expands the event into EBF format.
const char * QSEP_statusString (int status)
 Translates a QSEP status code to a string.
const QSEP_ctxQSEP_appCtxGet (const QSEP *qsep)
 Return a pointer to the public QSEP application specific context block.
const QSE_ctx * QSEP_stdCtxGet (const QSEP *qsep)
 Return a pointer to the standard QSE context block.

Detailed Description

Manages the updating of the physics event context.

JJRussell -

   CVS $Id: QSEP.c,v 1.17 2011/03/29 18:49:04 russell Exp $

Define Documentation

#define RND8 ( _x   )     (((PTR_as_uint)(_x) + 7) & ~0x7)

Round _x up to the nearest boundary of 8.

The rounded of value
_x The value to round

Referenced by QSEP_sizeof().

Function Documentation

QSEP * QSEP_alloc ( int  resource_level  ) 

Allocates and constructs the QSEP handle.

A pointer to the allocated and constructed QSEP handle
resource_level The maximum resource level that is needed
Setting the resource_level parameter to a high value to be safe may result in the attempting to garner resources that only are not necessary but may not be available. For example, the highest levels of compression need access to CAL pedestal files. In this case, QSEP_construct will attempt to open the files and if they cannot be located, will fail.
In this case, this routine may have needlessly failed. The watch word here is set it only as high as necessary.

References QSEP_construct().

const QSE_ctx * QSEP_appCtxGet ( const QSEP qsep  ) 

Return a pointer to the public QSEP application specific context block.

A pointer to the QSEP application specific context block
qsep The physics event handle
This routine is just an accessor to keep the structure of QSEP private.

References _QSEP::atx.

QSEP * QSEP_construct ( QSEP qsep,
unsigned int  resource_level,
void *  prm 

Construct (initializes) the handle for updating the standard event meta-information.

The QSEP context structure or NULL on error
qsep The handle to initialize, if specified as NULL, one will be allocated
resource_level The maximum resource level. Attempts to expand event with resources needs above this value will return QSEP_STATUS_K_INSRSC, that is INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES.
prm A run-time set parameter used to stylize the configuration

References _QSEP::atx, _QSEP::ctx, _QSEP::dtx, _QSEP::evt, _QSEP::free, QSEP_ctxConstruct(), qsep_dtx_construct(), qsep_file_ctx_get(), and QSEP_sizeof().

Referenced by QSEP_alloc().

void QSEP_destruct ( QSEP qsep  ) 

Destroys the QSEP handle.

The QSEP context structure
qsep The handle to destroy

References _QSEP::free.

static __inline void * qsep_dtx_construct ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
int  level,
void *  prm,
QSEP qsep,
QSEP_ctx qsep_ctx,
QSE_ctx *  qse_ctx,
QFR_fileCtx *  qfr,
int  depth,
void *  ptr 
) [static]

Initializes the physics application specific private context.

dtx The physics application specific private context to initialize
level The maximum decoding level that this structure can support. Higher compression levels demand more resources. Enough resources will be allocated to met this requested level.
prm Arbitrary user parameter, unused
qsep Pointer to the physics application context (full)
qsep_ctx Pointer to the physics application specific public context
qse_ctx The generic public context
qfr The file resolution context
depth The cache depth
ptr The memory pool

References _QSEP_dtx::ctx, _QSEP_dtx::evt, qsep_dtxCtx_construct(), and qsep_dtxEvt_construct().

Referenced by QSEP_construct().

static __inline void * qsep_dtxCtx_construct ( QSEP_dtxCtx dtxCtx,
int  level,
void *  prm,
QSEP qsep,
QSEP_ctx qsep_ctx,
QSE_ctx *  qse_ctx,
QFR_fileCtx *  qfr,
int  depth,
void *  ptr 
) [static]

Initializes the physics application specific private context.

dtxCtx The physics application specific private context to initialize
level The maximum decoding level that this structure can support. Higher compression levels demand more resources. Enough resources will be allocated to met this requested level.
prm Arbitrary user parameter, unused
qsep Pointer to the physcis application context (full)
qsep_ctx Pointer to the physics application specific public context
qse_ctx The generic public context
qfr The file resolution context
depth The cache depth
ptr The memory pool

References _QSEP_dtxRsd::buffer, _QSEP_dtxCtx::cache, _QSEP_cacheCfg::calGains, _QSEP_cacheCfg::calPeds, _QSEP_cache::cfg, _QSEP_dtxCtx::files, _QSEP_dtxCtx::max_level, _QSEP_dtxRsd::mbytes, _QSEP_dtxRsd::nbytes, _QSEP_dtxCtx::qdfp, QDFP_ctxConstruct(), _QSEP_dtxCtx::qse, _QSEP_dtxCtx::qsep, _QSEP_dtxCtx::rsd, and _QSEP_cache::std.

Referenced by qsep_dtx_construct().

static __inline void * qsep_dtxEvt_construct ( QSEP_dtxEvt dtxEvt,
int  level,
void *  prm,
void *  ptr 
) [static]

Initializes the physics application specific private context.

dtxEvt The physics application specific private event context to initialize
level The maximum decoding level that this structure can support. Higher compression levels demand more resources. Enough resources will be allocated to met this requested level.
prm Arbitrary user parameter, unused
ptr The memory pool

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::qdfp, and QDFP_evtConstruct().

Referenced by qsep_dtx_construct().

int QSEP_ebfSizeof ( void   ) 

Returns the maximum size, in bytes, of an EBF event.

The maximum size, in bytes, of an EBF event

int QSEP_expand ( QSEP qsep,
const LSF_record *  rec,
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf,
int  ebf_size,
unsigned int *  ret_size 

Expands the event into EBF format.

Return values:
0,Successful expand
<0,Failute,see the enumeration QSEP_STATUS_K for the reasons
qsep The physics event handle
rec The LSF record containing the event
ebf The ebf buffer to expand the event into, this pointer must be 32-bit aligned
ebf_size The size, in bytes, of the buffer
ret_size Returned as the status of the expand
This just launders the call

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::decode, _QSEP::dtx, and _QSEP_dtx::evt.

static __inline QFR_fileCtx * qsep_file_ctx_get ( void   )  [static]

Returns the QSEP file resolution context handle.

The QSEP file resolution context handle
This routine return the handle, creating it if necessary. This not really the right architecture. This needs to be part of a QSEP global environment. This can't be accomplished at this time because it would require a backwardly incompatiable change to QSEP_construct.

Referenced by QSEP_construct().

int QSEP_sizeof ( unsigned int  resource_level,
void *  prm 

Returns the size, in bytes, of the handle for updating the standard event meta-information.

The size, in bytes, of the handle for updating the standard event meta-information
resource_level The maximum resource level. Attempts to expand event with compression levels that use resources beyond this value will return QSEP_STATUS_K_INSRSC that is INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES. This must be a number between 0 and 15. This parameter plus prm must also be passed to QSEP_construct
prm A run-time set parameter used to stylize the configuration. This parameter plus max_level must also be passed to QSEP_construct.

References QDFP_ctxSizeof(), QDFP_evtSizeof(), and RND8.

Referenced by QSEP_construct().

const char * QSEP_statusString ( int  status  ) 

Translates a QSEP status code to a string.

Pointer to the string
status The status code to translate


const QSE_ctx * QSEP_stdCtxGet ( const QSEP qsep  ) 

Return a pointer to the standard QSE context block.

A pointer to the QSE context block
qsep The physics event handle
This routine is just an accessor to keep the structure of QSEP private.

References _QSEP::ctx.

void QSEP_updateAtContribution ( QSEP qsep,
const LSF_contribution *  ctb 

Updates the context based on the contribution.

Return values:
0,if the contribution is non-record
1,if the contribution is an contribution
qsep The physics event handle to update
ctb The contribution

References _QSEP::ctx, _QSEP::dtx, _QSEP_dtx::evt, QSEP_evt0_update(), QSEP_evt2_update(), and _QSEP_dtxEvt::update.

void QSEP_updateAtDatagram ( QSEP qsep,
const LSF_datagram *  dgm 

Updates the run oriented information in the event context using the information from the event datagram.

qsep The physics event handle
dgm The event datagram
The root contribution is opaque to the caller, so QSEP must handle the contributions within the root. There are two strategies one could use
  1. Call LSF_scanContribtions and let it parse through them and invoke a user call back routine
  2. Do the scan by hand.
Initially I have opted for strategy #1, but the second strategy makes detailed error checking easier. For example, if the sequence of the contributions is fixed, it is likely easier to do this when doing the scan by hand.

References _RootUpdateCtx::chg, _QSEP::ctx, _RootUpdateCtx::flags, _RootUpdateCtx::qsep, root_update(), and _RootUpdateCtx::tim.

int QSEP_updateAtRecord ( QSEP qsep,
const LSF_record *  rec 

Updates the context based on the record.

Return values:
Positive values indicate a successful update to an event record
Negative values indicate an unsuccessful update to an event record
0 indicates that this was not an event record
qsep The physics event handle to update
rec The event record

References _QSEP::ctx, _QSEP::dtx, _QSEP_dtx::evt, and _QSEP_dtxEvt::update.

static LSF_scanRecordHandler root_update ( RootUpdateCtx rux,
const LSF_contribution *  ctb 
) [static]

Call back routine for each contribution in the root.

A possible record handler for this contribution
rux The root update context
ctb The contribution

References _QSEP::atx, _RootUpdateCtx::chg, _QSEP::ctx, _RootUpdateCtx::flags, _RootUpdateCtx::qsep, QSEP_ctxUpdateAtRoot(), and _RootUpdateCtx::tim.

Referenced by QSEP_updateAtDatagram().

Generated on Tue Nov 29 20:32:28 2011 by  doxygen 1.5.8