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QSEP_evt0.c File Reference

Driver routines to decode Format 0 events. More...

#include <SIV.h>
#include <QSEP/QSEP_evt0.h>
#include <QSEP_pvtdef.h>
#include <QDFP_evt.h>
#include <QSE/QSE_evt.h>
#include <QSE/QSE_ctxUpdate.h>
#include <QSE/QDF_exc.h>
#include <LSEP/LSEP_evtCtb0.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_cid.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_pkt.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_ctb.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_evt.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_edw.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_cal.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_gem.h>
#include <EDS/EBF_gemLocate.h>
#include <PBI/Endianness.h>
#include <PBI/FFS.ih>
#include <PBI/Fletcher.h>
#include <PBI/Unions.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dprintf.h>


struct  _Rsb
 Return Status Block, binds a status and length. More...


#define PARITY_K_ODD   0x9669
 A vector of bits whose bit number (counting from least significant bit = 0) gives the odd parity of a nibble of that bit number.
#define GEM_CTB_SIZE   (sizeof (EBF_ctbHdr) + sizeof (EBF_gem))
 Convenience symbol for the size of a GEM contribution plus the Event Builder and Event Summary Words.
#define RND_LEN32_TO_CELL(_n32)   (((_n32) + 3) & ~0x3)
 Round a length, in 32-bit ints, to a 16 byte cell.
#define _extractL(_bfu, _wrds, _position, _width)
#define _extractR(_bfu, _wrds, _position, _width)
#define KNOWN
 Defines a bit mask of the known.
#define ADVANCE(_ptr, _nbytes)   (void *)((unsigned char *)(_ptr) + (_nbytes))
 Advances the specified pointer, _ptr by _nbytes.


typedef struct _Rsb Rsb
 Typedef for struct _Rsb.
typedef int(* QSEP_evt_updater )(QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
 Call back signature for an event decoding routine.
typedef int(* QSEP_evt_decoder )(QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Call back signature for an event decoding routine.


static __inline unsigned int checksum_compute (const unsigned int *data, int ndata)
 Compute the Fletcher checksum on the data array.
static __inline unsigned int checksum_check (QSEP_dtxChecksum *checksum, unsigned int *data, int ndata)
 Computes the checksum over the indicated data and compares it with the checksum in the checksum context structure.
static __inline int parityOdd16Calc (unsigned short int hword)
 Calculates the odd parity over the 16 bits in the specified half word.
static int evtA_0_decode (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Decodes Version 0, Format 0 events.
static int evtA_1_decode (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Decodes Version 0, Format 1 events.
static int evtA_2_decode (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Decodes Version 0, Format 2 events.
static int evtA_3_decode (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Decodes Version 0, Format 3 events.
static int evtA_4_decode (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Decodes Version 0, Format 4 events.
static int evtA_5_decode (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Decodes Version 0, Format 5 events.
static int evtA_8_decode (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Decodes Version 0, Format 8 events.
static int evtA_decode_noop (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Punts on unknown Version 0, formats.
static int evtA_0_update (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
 Provides update information Version 0, Format 0 events.
static int evtA_1_update (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
 Provides update information Version 0, Format 1 events.
static int evtA_2_update (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
 Provides update information Version 0, Format 2 events.
static int evtA_3_update (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
 Provides update information Version 0, Format 3 events.
static int evtA_4_update (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
 Provides update information Version 0, Format 4 events.
static int evtA_5_update (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
static int evtA_8_update (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
static int evtB_8_update (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
static int evtA_update_noop (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
 Punts on unknown Version 0 formats.
static __inline void * copy (void *dst, const void *src, size_t nbytes)
 Copies the specified number of bytes from the source to the destination.
static __inline unsigned int pad_to_cell (unsigned int *dst, unsigned int nbytes)
 Pads the destination address up to the next cell (16-byte) boundary. The number of pad bytes is computed by how short nbytes is from a 16-byte boundary. It is assumed that nbytes is a multiple of 4.
static __inline unsigned int esw_reconstruct0_4 (LSEP_evtToc0_4_ctl ctl, unsigned int no_tack)
 Reconstruct the Event Summary Word from a version 0, format 4 control word.
static __inline unsigned int ebw_reconstruct (const QSEP_dtx *dtx, unsigned int dstu)
 Reconstruct the Event Builder Word.
static int is_known (unsigned char level)
 Tests if the format/compression level is known.
static __inline int update_check (int rsd_bytes, int gem_bytes, unsigned char bridge, int nbytes)
 Checks if there is enough input data to accomodate both a possible result summary data block and a GEM contribution.
static __inline const unsigned
int * 
checksum_fill (QSEP_dtxChecksum *checksum, const unsigned int *cur, int bridge)
 Fills the checksum structure.
static const void * rsd_fill (QSEP_ctxRsd *rsd, unsigned char bridge, const unsigned int *src)
 Copies the result summary data into the memory pointed to by the valid descriptors.
int QSEP_evt0_update (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const LSF_record *ievt, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
 Dispatches the input event to the proper update handler.
int QSEP_evt2_update (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const LSF_record *ievt, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)
 Dispatches the input event to the proper update handler.
static int evt_8_update (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info, QDFP_evtUpdate update)
int QSEP_evt0_decode (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const LSF_record *ievt, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Dispatches the input event to the proper handler.
int QSEP_evt2_decode (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const LSF_record *ievt, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)
 Dispatches the input event to the proper handler.
static __inline unsigned int * header_add (unsigned int *dst)
 Adds the padding for the 8-word LCB header.
static __inline unsigned char * pad (unsigned char *dst, int lwrd_cnt)
 Zeroes the specified number of longwords.
static unsigned int decode0_4_5 (QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *src, LSEP_evtToc0_4_ctl ctl, unsigned int dstu, unsigned int no_tack, const LSEP_evtToc0_4_tem tems[16], QSE_ebfEvt *ebf)
 Workhorse routine to decode version 0, format 4 and 5 events.
static __inline Rsb toc5_fill (LSEP_evtToc0_4_tem tems[16], const LSEP_evtBdy0_5 *evt5, int bridge, const unsigned int *src_end, int dst_bytes)
 Fills a format 4 style table of contents from a format 5 style.


static const QSEP_evt_decoder Decode0 [16]
 The dispatch table for the 16 levels of event format 0 and 1 encoded events.
static const QSEP_evt_decoder Decode2 [16]
 The dispatch table for the 16 levels of event format 2 encoded events.
static const QSEP_evt_updater Update0 [16]
 The dispatch table for the 16 levels of format 0 and 1 events.
static const QSEP_evt_updater Update2 [16]
 The dispatch table for the 16 levels for format 2 events.

Detailed Description

Driver routines to decode Format 0 events.

JJRussell -

   CVS $Id: QSEP_evt0.c,v 1.25 2011/03/29 18:49:04 russell Exp $

Define Documentation

#define _extractL ( _bfu,
_width   ) 


(_bfu       = BFU_wordL (_wrds, _bfu.cur, _position, _width),\
                  _position += _width,                                        \

#define _extractR ( _bfu,
_width   ) 


(_bfu       = BFU_wordR (_wrds, _bfu.cur, _position, _width),\
                  _position += _width,                                        \

#define ADVANCE ( _ptr,
_nbytes   )     (void *)((unsigned char *)(_ptr) + (_nbytes))

Advances the specified pointer, _ptr by _nbytes.

_ptr The pointer to advance
_nbytes The number of bytes to advance the pointer

Referenced by copy(), decode0_4_5(), evtA_3_decode(), evtA_3_update(), evtA_4_decode(), evtA_5_decode(), and rsd_fill().

#define KNOWN


((1 << 0) |  \
                   (1 << 1) |  \
                   (1 << 2) |  \
                   (1 << 3) |  \
                   (1 << 4) |  \
                   (1 << 5) |  \
                   (0 << 6) |  \
                   (0 << 7) |  \
                   (1 << 8))
Defines a bit mask of the known.

Referenced by is_known().

#define PARITY_K_ODD   0x9669

A vector of bits whose bit number (counting from least significant bit = 0) gives the odd parity of a nibble of that bit number.

This is a bit vector whose bit number gives the odd parity of that bit number, The array is indexed by left shifting by the bit number. This array is used to return a 0 if the parity is ODD and a 1 if the parity is EVEN.
The following table maps a number idx into an even parity. The bottom line is the hex number representing the parity bit array.

       Idx  Parity    Index  Parity   Index Parity    Index Parity
         C       1        8       0       4      0        0      1
         D       0        9       1       5      1        1      0
         E       0        A       1       6      1        2      0
         F       1        B       0       7      0        3      1
      0x         9                6              6               9

Referenced by parityOdd16Calc().

#define RND_LEN32_TO_CELL ( _n32   )     (((_n32) + 3) & ~0x3)

Round a length, in 32-bit ints, to a 16 byte cell.

The rounded length
_n32 The 32-bit length to round

Referenced by evtA_4_decode(), and toc5_fill().

Typedef Documentation

int(* QSEP_evt_decoder)(QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ebfEvt *ebf, int ebf_size, unsigned int *ret_size)

Call back signature for an event decoding routine.

dtx Decoding context
evt The event data to decode
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. This contains up to 8 bits of format specific decoding information.
ebf The output event structure to fill
ebf_size The number of bytes available in ebf
ret_size The number of bytes actually used in ebf.

int(* QSEP_evt_updater)(QSEP_dtx *dtx, const unsigned int *edata, size_t nbytes, int bridge, QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *info)

Call back signature for an event decoding routine.

dtx Decoding context
evt The event data to use in filling the update information
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. This contains up to 8 bits of format specific decoding information.
info The update information structure to fill

Function Documentation

static __inline unsigned int checksum_check ( QSEP_dtxChecksum checksum,
unsigned int *  data,
int  ndata 
) [static]

Computes the checksum over the indicated data and compares it with the checksum in the checksum context structure.

Return values:
0,if the checksums compare
QSEP_STATUS_K_CHECKSUM,if the checksums do not compare
checksum The checksum context. Contains a flag indicating whether the checksum should be checked and the comparision value of the checksum
data The 32-bit data array to checksum
ndata The number of 32-bit elements in the data array

References checksum_compute(), _QSEP_dtxChecksum::computed, _QSEP_dtxChecksum::datagram, QSEP_STATUS_K_CHECKSUM, and _QSEP_dtxChecksum::valid.

Referenced by evtA_8_decode().

static __inline unsigned int checksum_compute ( const unsigned int *  data,
int  ndata 
) [static]

Compute the Fletcher checksum on the data array.

The 32-bit Fletcher checksum
data The array of 32-bit data to checksum
ndata The number of elements in the data array

Referenced by checksum_check().

static __inline const unsigned int * checksum_fill ( QSEP_dtxChecksum checksum,
const unsigned int *  cur,
int  bridge 
) [static]

Fills the checksum structure.

The next input location to decode
checksum The checksum context to fill
cur The current decoding location
bridge The event record's bridge word

References _QSEP_dtxChecksum::datagram, and _QSEP_dtxChecksum::valid.

Referenced by evt_8_update().

static __inline void * copy ( void *  dst,
const void *  src,
size_t  nbytes 
) [static]

Copies the specified number of bytes from the source to the destination.

Pointer to the next destination
dst The destination
src The source
nbytes The number of bytes to copy. This must be a multiple of 4 bytes
Convenience routine to copy the specified number of bytes from the source address to the destination. This differs from memcpy in that it returns the address of the next destination address rather than the input source address. The code for appending data to a current destination address is cleaner with this return code.

References ADVANCE.

Referenced by evtA_1_decode(), evtA_2_decode(), and evtA_3_decode().

static unsigned int decode0_4_5 ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  src,
LSEP_evtToc0_4_ctl  ctl,
unsigned int  dstu,
unsigned int  no_tack,
const LSEP_evtToc0_4_tem  tems[16],
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf 
) [static]

Workhorse routine to decode version 0, format 4 and 5 events.

The size of the event, in bytes or -1 in case of failure
dtx The decoding context
src The start of input event data, this is the common piece of format 4 and 5 events, just past the header
ctl The template for restoring the Event Summary Word.
dstu The unique piece of the destination adddress
no_tack The value of NOT TACK.
tems The header information. This is in the format of event 4 events, so format 5 events must be first translated to this format before calling this routine
ebf The output EBF event structure to fill
This function does not do integrity checking. The sizes of both the input and output buffers can and must be pre-calculated by the calling routines. Once this is done, the calling routine can check that the buffers are correct.

References ADVANCE, ebw_reconstruct(), esw_reconstruct0_4(), header_add(), and parityOdd16Calc().

Referenced by evtA_4_decode(), and evtA_5_decode().

static __inline unsigned int ebw_reconstruct ( const QSEP_dtx dtx,
unsigned int  dstu 
) [static]

Reconstruct the Event Builder Word.

The reconstructed the Event Builder Word
dtx The event context information. This contains the original CPU number
dstu The unique piece of the destination node address

Referenced by decode0_4_5().

static unsigned int esw_reconstruct0_4 ( LSEP_evtToc0_4_ctl  ctl,
unsigned int  no_tack 
) [static]

Reconstruct the Event Summary Word from a version 0, format 4 control word.

The reconstructed Event Summary Word
ctl The control word
no_tack The value of no_tack. This value is inverted and stored as the value of the tack bit of the ESW.

Referenced by decode0_4_5().

static int evt_8_update ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info,
QDFP_evtUpdate  update 
) [inline, static]

dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to get the update info from
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. If the LSB is set, this indicates the presence of the TEM contribution word immediately after the table of contents.
info The event update structure to complete
update The version specify update routine.

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, _QSEP_dtxEvt::bfu, _QSEP_dtxCtx::checksum, checksum_fill(), _QSEP_dtx::ctx, _QSEP_dtx::evt, _QSEP_dtxRsd::mbytes, _QSEP_dtxEvt::qdfp, _QSEP_dtxCtx::qdfp, _QSEP_dtxCtx::qsep, QSEP_STATUS_K_UNDRUN, _QSEP_ctx::rsd, _QSEP_dtxCtx::rsd, and rsd_fill().

Referenced by evtA_8_update(), and evtB_8_update().

static int evtA_0_decode ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf,
int  ebf_size,
unsigned int *  ret_size 
) [static]

Decodes Version 0, Format 0 events.

Decoding status
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to decode
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. Unused for format 0.
ebf The output EBF event structure to fill
ebf_size The number of bytes available in ebf
ret_size The number of bytes actually used in ebf.
Version 0, Format 0 events are as is from the Event Builder. This means that multi-packet events are presented as such and must be processed a packet at a time just as they would be in the embedded systems.

ADVANCE (edata, rsd_bytes);

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, _QSEP_dtx::evt, QSEP_STATUS_K_OVRRUN, QSEP_STATUS_K_TOO_SMALL, QSEP_STATUS_K_UNDRUN, SIV__hasErrors(), SIV__isLast(), SIV__isNotFirst(), SIV_init(), and SIV_update().

static int evtA_0_update ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info 
) [static]

Provides update information Version 0, Format 0 events.

Update status
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to get the update info from
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. Unused for format 0
info The event update structure to complete

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, _QSEP_dtx::ctx, _QSEP_dtx::evt, GEM_CTB_SIZE, _QSEP_dtxRsd::mbytes, _QSEP_dtxCtx::qsep, QSEP_STATUS_K_NOGEM, _QSEP_ctx::rsd, _QSEP_dtxCtx::rsd, rsd_fill(), and update_check().

static int evtA_1_decode ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf,
int  ebf_size,
unsigned int *  ret_size 
) [static]

Decodes Version 0, Format 1 events.

Decoding status
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to decode
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. Unused for format 1.
ebf The output EBF event structure to fill
ebf_size The number of bytes available in ebf
ret_size The number of bytes actually used in ebf.
Version 0, Format 1 events are almost as is from the Event Builder. The almost is that multi-packet events have been reassembled into one packet and the trailing padding has been removed.

ADVANCE (edata, rsd_bytes);

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, copy(), _QSEP_dtx::evt, pad_to_cell(), and QSEP_STATUS_K_TOO_SMALL.

static int evtA_1_update ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info 
) [static]

Provides update information Version 0, Format 1 events.

Update status
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to get the update info from
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. Unused for format 1.
info The event update structure to complete

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, _QSEP_dtx::ctx, _QSEP_dtx::evt, GEM_CTB_SIZE, _QSEP_dtxRsd::mbytes, _QSEP_dtxCtx::qsep, QSEP_STATUS_K_NOGEM, _QSEP_ctx::rsd, _QSEP_dtxCtx::rsd, rsd_fill(), and update_check().

static int evtA_2_decode ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf,
int  ebf_size,
unsigned int *  ret_size 
) [static]

Decodes Version 0, Format 2 events.

Decoding status
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to decode
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. Unused for format 2.
ebf The output EBF event structure to fill
ebf_size The number of bytes available in ebf
ret_size The number of bytes actually used in ebf.
Version 0, Format 2 events are almost as is from the Event Builder. The almost is that multi-packet events have been reassembled into one packet and the leading 6 32-bit words and trailing padding has been removed.

ADVANCE (edata, rsd_bytes);

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, copy(), _QSEP_dtx::evt, pad_to_cell(), and QSEP_STATUS_K_TOO_SMALL.

static int evtA_2_update ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info 
) [static]

Provides update information Version 0, Format 2 events.

Update status
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to get the update info from
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. Unused for format 2.
info The event update structure to complete
Version 0, Format 2 events are almost as is from the Event Builder. The almost is that multi-packet events have been reassembled into one packet and the leading 6 32-bit words and trailing padding has been removed.

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, _QSEP_dtx::ctx, _QSEP_dtx::evt, GEM_CTB_SIZE, _QSEP_dtxRsd::mbytes, _QSEP_dtxCtx::qsep, QSEP_STATUS_K_NOGEM, _QSEP_ctx::rsd, _QSEP_dtxCtx::rsd, rsd_fill(), and update_check().

static int evtA_3_decode ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf,
int  ebf_size,
unsigned int *  ret_size 
) [static]

Decodes Version 0, Format 3 events.

Return values:
-1,Serious decode error.
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to decode
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. Unused for format 3.
ebf The output EBF event structure to fill
ebf_size The number of bytes available in ebf
ret_size The number of bytes actually used in ebf.

References ADVANCE, _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, copy(), _QSEP_dtx::evt, header_add(), pad(), QSEP_STATUS_K_OVRRUN, QSEP_STATUS_K_TOO_SMALL, and QSEP_STATUS_K_UNDRUN.

static int evtA_3_update ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info 
) [static]

Provides update information Version 0, Format 3 events.

Update status
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to get the update info from
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. Unused for format 3.
info The event update structure to complete

References ADVANCE, _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, _QSEP_dtx::ctx, _QSEP_dtx::evt, GEM_CTB_SIZE, _QSEP_dtxRsd::mbytes, _QSEP_dtxCtx::qsep, QSEP_STATUS_K_NOGEM, _QSEP_ctx::rsd, _QSEP_dtxCtx::rsd, rsd_fill(), and update_check().

static int evtA_4_decode ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf,
int  ebf_size,
unsigned int *  ret_size 
) [static]

Decodes Version 0, Format 4 events.

Return values:
-1,Serious decode error.
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to decode
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. Unused for format 4.
ebf The output EBF event structure to fill
ebf_size The number of bytes available in ebf
ret_size The number of bytes actually used in ebf.


static int evtA_4_update ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info 
) [static]

Provides update information Version 0, Format 4 events.

Update status
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to get the update info from
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. Unused for format 4.
info The event update structure to complete

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, _QSEP_dtx::ctx, _QSEP_dtx::evt, _QSEP_dtxRsd::mbytes, _QSEP_dtxCtx::qsep, QSEP_STATUS_K_NOGEM, _QSEP_ctx::rsd, _QSEP_dtxCtx::rsd, rsd_fill(), and update_check().

static int evtA_5_decode ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf,
int  ebf_size,
unsigned int *  ret_size 
) [static]

Decodes Version 0, Format 5 events.

Return values:
-1,Serious decode error.
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to decode
bridge The bridge word. If the LSB is set, this indicates the presence of the TEM contribution word immediately after the table of contents.
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
ebf The output EBF event structure to fill
ebf_size The number of bytes available in ebf
ret_size The number of bytes actually used in ebf.

References ADVANCE, _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, decode0_4_5(), _QSEP_dtx::evt, _Rsb::len32, QSEP_STATUS_K_DECOMPRESS, QSEP_STATUS_K_INCLEN, _Rsb::status, and toc5_fill().

static int evtA_5_update ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info 
) [static]

dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to get the update info from
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. If the LSB is set, this indicates the presence of the TEM contribution word immediately after the table of contents.
info The event update structure to complete

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::beg, _QSEP_dtx::ctx, _QSEP_dtx::evt, _QSEP_dtxRsd::mbytes, _QSEP_dtxCtx::qsep, QSEP_STATUS_K_NOGEM, _QSEP_ctx::rsd, _QSEP_dtxCtx::rsd, rsd_fill(), and update_check().

static int evtA_8_decode ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf,
int  ebf_size,
unsigned int *  ret_size 
) [static]

Decodes Version 0, Format 8 events.

Return values:
-1,Serious decode error.
dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to decode
bridge The bridge word.
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
ebf The output EBF event structure to fill
ebf_size The number of bytes available in ebf
ret_size The number of bytes actually used in ebf.

References _QSEP_dtxEvt::bfu, _QSEP_dtxCtx::checksum, checksum_check(), _QSEP_dtx::ctx, _QDFP_evt::decode, _QSEP_dtx::evt, _QDFP_evt::exc, _QSEP_dtxEvt::qdfp, _QSEP_dtxCtx::qdfp, QSEP_STATUS_K_DECOMPRESS, and _QDFP_evt::repack.

static int evtA_8_update ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info 
) [static]

dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to get the update info from
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. If the LSB is set, this indicates the presence of the TEM contribution word immediately after the table of contents.
info The event update structure to complete
This handles the decoding of format 0 and 1 events. These are events prior to the fix to CAL prediction model for the 4-range, 0-suppressed events.

References evt_8_update(), and QDFP_evtAUpdate().

static int evtA_decode_noop ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf,
int  ebf_size,
unsigned int *  ret_size 
) [static]

Punts on unknown Version 0, formats.

Return values:
-1,Serious decode error.
dtx The decoding context, ignored
edata The input event data to decode, ignored
bridge The bridge word. Unused for NOOP.
nbytes The number of bytes in the event, ignored
ebf The output EBF event structure to fill, ignored
ebf_size The number of bytes available in ebf
ret_size The number of bytes actually used in ebf.


static int evtA_update_noop ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info 
) [static]

Punts on unknown Version 0 formats.

Return values:
-1,Serious decode error.
dtx The decoding context, ignored
edata The input event data to decode, ignored
bridge The bridge word,ignored
nbytes The number of bytes in the event, ignored
info The event update structure to complete, ignored


static int evtB_8_update ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const unsigned int *  edata,
size_t  nbytes,
int  bridge,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info 
) [static]

dtx The decoding context
edata The input event data to get the update info from
nbytes The number of bytes in the event
bridge The bridge word. If the LSB is set, this indicates the presence of the TEM contribution word immediately after the table of contents.
info The event update structure to complete
This handles decoding of events with 4-range, 0-suppress error in the CAL prediction model fixed.

References evt_8_update(), and QDFP_evtBUpdate().

static __inline unsigned int * header_add ( unsigned int *  dst  )  [static]

Adds the padding for the 8-word LCB header.

Pointer to the next output word
dst Pointer to where to add the header

Referenced by decode0_4_5(), and evtA_3_decode().

static int is_known ( unsigned char  level  )  [static]

Tests if the format/compression level is known.

Return values:
== 0 if not known
!= 0 if known
level The compression lelve to check

References KNOWN.

Referenced by QSEP_evt0_decode(), QSEP_evt0_update(), QSEP_evt2_decode(), and QSEP_evt2_update().

static __inline unsigned char * pad ( unsigned char *  dst,
int  lwrd_cnt 
) [static]

Zeroes the specified number of longwords.

The address after the last word written
dst The destination address
lwrd_cnt The number of 32-bit words to zero
This routine exists mainly to laundry the casts to and from unsigned chars and unsigned ints. It was made necessary by the newer compilers enforcing rules on not doing casts of lvalues.

Referenced by evtA_3_decode().

static __inline unsigned int pad_to_cell ( unsigned int *  dst,
unsigned int  nbytes 
) [static]

Pads the destination address up to the next cell (16-byte) boundary. The number of pad bytes is computed by how short nbytes is from a 16-byte boundary. It is assumed that nbytes is a multiple of 4.

dst The destination address
nbytes The number of bytes. (As an explanatory note, the beginning of the buffer is at (char *)dst - nbytes. This most be a multiple of 4 bytes

Referenced by evtA_1_decode(), and evtA_2_decode().

int parityOdd16Calc ( unsigned short int  hword  )  [static]

Calculates the odd parity over the 16 bits in the specified half word.

The odd parity, either 0 or 1, over the 16 bits the specified half word.
hword The half word (short int) to calculate the parity of.

References PARITY_K_ODD.

Referenced by decode0_4_5().

int QSEP_evt0_decode ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const LSF_record *  ievt,
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf,
int  ebf_size,
unsigned int *  ret_size 

Dispatches the input event to the proper handler.

Decoding status
dtx The decoding context
ievt The input event data to decode
ebf The output EBF event structure
ebf_size The number of bytes available in ebf
ret_size The number of bytes actually used.

References _QSEP_dtx::ctx, Decode0, is_known(), _QSEP_dtxCtx::max_level, QSEP_STATUS_K_INSRSC, and QSEP_STATUS_K_UNKLVL.

Referenced by QSEP_evt0_update(), and QSEP_evt2_update().

int QSEP_evt0_update ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const LSF_record *  ievt,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info 

Dispatches the input event to the proper update handler.

dtx The decoding context
ievt The input event data
info The event update structure to complete

References _QSEP_dtx::ctx, _QSEP_dtxEvt::decode, _QSEP_dtx::evt, is_known(), _QSEP_dtxCtx::max_level, QSEP_evt0_decode(), QSEP_STATUS_K_INSRSC, QSEP_STATUS_K_UNKLVL, and Update0.

Referenced by QSEP_updateAtContribution().

int QSEP_evt2_decode ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const LSF_record *  ievt,
QSE_ebfEvt *  ebf,
int  ebf_size,
unsigned int *  ret_size 

Dispatches the input event to the proper handler.

Decoding status
dtx The decoding context
ievt The input event data to decode
ebf The output EBF event structure
ebf_size The number of bytes available in ebf
ret_size The number of bytes actually used.

References _QSEP_dtx::ctx, Decode2, is_known(), _QSEP_dtxCtx::max_level, QSEP_STATUS_K_INSRSC, and QSEP_STATUS_K_UNKLVL.

int QSEP_evt2_update ( QSEP_dtx dtx,
const LSF_record *  ievt,
QSE_ctxUpdateInfo *  info 

Dispatches the input event to the proper update handler.

dtx The decoding context
ievt The input event data
info The event update structure to complete

References _QSEP_dtx::ctx, _QSEP_dtxEvt::decode, _QSEP_dtx::evt, is_known(), _QSEP_dtxCtx::max_level, QSEP_evt0_decode(), QSEP_STATUS_K_INSRSC, QSEP_STATUS_K_UNKLVL, and Update2.

Referenced by QSEP_updateAtContribution().

static const void * rsd_fill ( QSEP_ctxRsd rsd,
unsigned char  bridge,
const unsigned int *  src 
) [static]

Copies the result summary data into the memory pointed to by the valid descriptors.

Pointer to the next read location
rsd The result summary data structure to fill
bridge The bridge word, carries status information, in this case whether the event carries a result summary data.
src The source data

References ADVANCE, _QSEP_ctxRsd::dat_list, _QSEP_ctxRsd::dscs, _QSEP_rsdDsc::len, _QSEP_rsdDsc::ptr, _QSEP_rsdDsc::state, and _QSEP_ctxRsd::state_list.

Referenced by evt_8_update(), evtA_0_update(), evtA_1_update(), evtA_2_update(), evtA_3_update(), evtA_4_update(), and evtA_5_update().

static __inline Rsb toc5_fill ( LSEP_evtToc0_4_tem  tems[16],
const LSEP_evtBdy0_5 *  evt5,
int  bridge,
const unsigned int *  src_end,
int  dst_bytes 
) [static]

Fills a format 4 style table of contents from a format 5 style.

Return status block
tems The array of TOC 4 style entries to fill
evt5 Pointer to the input event
bridge If bit 0 is set, then src[0] contains a bit mask of the containing missing contributors.
src_end The ending source address
dst_bytes The number of bytes in the destination data
If the status in the return status block is < 0, then this is an error If the status in the return status block is >=0, then this is the number of words to skip to get to the data.


Referenced by evtA_5_decode().

static __inline int update_check ( int  rsd_bytes,
int  gem_bytes,
unsigned char  bridge,
int  nbytes 
) [static]

Checks if there is enough input data to accomodate both a possible result summary data block and a GEM contribution.

Return values:
0 The is enough data
QSEP_STATUS_K_UNDRUN More data is needed than is available
rsd_bytes Number of bytes in the result summary data block
gem_bytes Number of bytes in the GEM contribution
bridge The bridge word, carries status information, in this case whether the event carries a result summary data.
nbytes The number of bytes that are available


Referenced by evtA_0_update(), evtA_1_update(), evtA_2_update(), evtA_3_update(), evtA_4_update(), and evtA_5_update().

Variable Documentation

static const QSEP_evt_decoder Decode0[16] [static]

Initial value:



                    evtA_decode_noop,  evtA_decode_noop,  evtA_decode_noop,
  evtA_decode_noop, evtA_decode_noop,  evtA_decode_noop,  evtA_decode_noop
The dispatch table for the 16 levels of event format 0 and 1 encoded events.

Referenced by QSEP_evt0_decode().

static const QSEP_evt_decoder Decode2[16] [static]

Initial value:



                    evtA_decode_noop,  evtA_decode_noop,  evtA_decode_noop,
  evtA_decode_noop, evtA_decode_noop,  evtA_decode_noop,  evtA_decode_noop
The dispatch table for the 16 levels of event format 2 encoded events.

Referenced by QSEP_evt2_decode().

static const QSEP_evt_updater Update0[16] [static]

Initial value:



  evtA_8_update,    evtA_update_noop,  evtA_update_noop,  evtA_update_noop,
  evtA_update_noop, evtA_update_noop,  evtA_update_noop,  evtA_update_noop
The dispatch table for the 16 levels of format 0 and 1 events.

Referenced by QSEP_evt0_update().

static const QSEP_evt_updater Update2[16] [static]

Initial value:



  evtB_8_update,    evtA_update_noop,  evtA_update_noop,  evtA_update_noop,
  evtA_update_noop, evtA_update_noop,  evtA_update_noop,  evtA_update_noop
The dispatch table for the 16 levels for format 2 events.

Referenced by QSEP_evt2_update().

Generated on Tue Nov 29 20:32:28 2011 by  doxygen 1.5.8