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HDE.c File Reference

Implementation of the routines to encodes a distribution of symbols using a Huffman encoding technique. Routines are available to encode both the distribution itself and the resulting Huffman table. More...

#include "LDT/HDE.h"
#include "LDT/HUFF.h"
#include "LDT/BFP.h"
#include "LDT/BA.h"
#include "ffs.h"
#include "dprintf.h"
#include "PBS/TMR.h"
#include <string.h>

Include dependency graph for HDE.c:

Data Structures

struct  _HDE
 The control structure for the HDE facility. More...
struct  _HistLimits_f
 Min and Max indices of a region of the histogram. More...
union  _HistLimits
 Min and Max indices of a region of the histogram as a union between and uninterpretted 32-bit integer and its field representation. More...
struct  _HistCore_f
 Describes the result of the encoding selection process, giving the lower and upper bin limits along with the number of entries outside that region. More...
union  _HistCore
 The histogram core description as a union between an uninterpretted 32-bit representation and its field representation. More...
struct  _CodesSummary_f
 Lays out the structure of the return summary from codes_condition. More...
union  _CodesSummary
 Lays out the structure of the return summary from codes_condition as a union between an uninterpretted 32-bit representation and its field representation. More...
struct  _DeltasSummary_f
 Summarizes the parameters describing the delta code lengths array. More...
union  _DeltasSummary
 Summarizes the parameters describing the delta code lengths array as a union between an uninterpretted 32-bit number and its field representation. More...


#define BA_32
#define NULL   ((void *)(0))
#define _monitor_declare(statements)
#define _monitor_time(_mon, _idx)
#define _monitor(_var, val)
#define monitor_report(_mon)
#define _CODES(_l0, _c0, _l1, _c1, _l2, _c2)


typedef _HDE HDE
typedef _HistLimits_f HistLimits_f
 Typedef for struct _HistLimits.
typedef _HistLimits HistLimits
 Typedef for union _HistLimits.
typedef _HistCore_f HistCore_f
 Typedef for struct _HistCore.
typedef _HistCore HistCore
 Typedef for union _HistCode.
typedef _CodesSummary_f CodesSummary_f
 Typedef for struct _CodesStatus_f.
typedef _CodesSummary CodesSummary
 Typedef for union _CodesSummary.
typedef _DeltasSummary_f DeltasSummary_f
 Typedef for struct _DeltasSummary_f.
typedef _DeltasSummary DeltasSummary
 Typedef for union _DeltasSummary.


static __inline unsigned int hist_limits_find (const unsigned short int *hist, int cnt)
 Finds the indices of the smallest and largest non-zero entry in the specified histogram.
static __inline unsigned long
long int 
hist_select (const unsigned short int *hist, int nentries, HistLimits limits, int nbins)
 Finds the nbits that encompass the largest number of entries for the specified histogram.
static __inline int hist_copy (unsigned int *dst, const unsigned short int *src, int min, int max)
 Copies the core of the histogram (i.e. from the first non-zero element to the last non-zero element.
static __inline unsigned int huff_table_encode (unsigned int *buf, unsigned int pos, CodesSummary cs, const HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *freq, int min, int max, unsigned int nunderflow, unsigned int noverflow)
 Encodes the Huffman encoding table.
static __inline unsigned int huff_symbols_encode (unsigned int *buf, unsigned int pos, const HUFF_code *codes, int min, int max, unsigned int nunderflow, unsigned int noverflow, int xsymbols, const short int *symbols, int nsymbols)
 Encodes the pedestal subtracted ADC values using the specified Huffman codes.
static __inline unsigned int direct_symbols_encode (HDE *hde, unsigned int *buf, unsigned int pos, int min, int nbits, const short int *symbols, int nsymbols)
 Encodes the specified symbols symbols using the specified histogram of frequencies. Both the symbols and the histogram are presented as 16-bit values.
static __inline unsigned int codes_condition (HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *freq, int ncodes)
 Conditions the code array by setting the code lengths of non-existent codes to the maximum code length + 1.
static __inline unsigned int form_deltas (signed char *deltas, const HUFF_code *codes, int ncodes, int nseed, int seed)
 Forms the array code lengths deltas.
static __inline void hist_deltas (unsigned int *hist, int min, int nbins, const signed char *deltas, int ndeltas)
 Histograms the delta distribution.
static __inline unsigned int pack_short (unsigned int *buf, unsigned int pos, short int val)
 Packs the number of bits needed to contain the short integer and its value.
static __inline unsigned int pack_seed_min_max (unsigned int *buf, unsigned int pos, int seed, int min, int max)
static __inline unsigned int pack_delta1 (unsigned int *buf, unsigned int pos, const signed char *deltas, int ndeltas, int min, int max_means_0)
 High efficiency routine to handle the case when all the deltas are 0 or 1.
static __inline unsigned int pack_delta2 (unsigned int *buf, unsigned int pos, const signed char *deltas, int ndeltas, int min, int max_means_0)
 High efficiency routine to handle the case when all the delta range is only 2 (3 values).
static __inline unsigned int pack_delta_huff (unsigned int *buf, unsigned int pos, const signed char *deltas, int cnt, int min, int max, int max_means_0)
 Packs the delta code lengths as a huffman table.
 declare (static void print_nbits(const int *f, int cnt, int tot))
unsigned int HDE_sizeof (unsigned int nhuff)
 Returns the size, in bytes, for a handle to hold a Huffman distribution of huffman_bins.
void * HDE_construct (HDE *hde, unsigned int nhuff)
 Constructs (initializes) the specified HDE structure.
unsigned int HDE_encodeSS (HDE *hde, unsigned int *buf, unsigned int pos, unsigned int nhuff, const unsigned short int *hist, int nbins, const short int *symbols, int nsymbols)
 Encodes the specified symbols symbols using the specified histogram of frequencies. Both the symbols and the histogram are presented as 16-bit values.
const HDE_assayHDE_assayLocate (const HDE *hde)
 Returns a pointer to the publically defined piece of this structure. This can be a one-time call, i.e. for any given HDE structure, this routine always returns the same value.
void HDE_histClearS (const HDE *hde, unsigned short int *hist)
 Clears the histogram using the active bin range stored in the HDE_assay block of the HDE structure.

Detailed Description

Implementation of the routines to encodes a distribution of symbols using a Huffman encoding technique. Routines are available to encode both the distribution itself and the resulting Huffman table.

JJRussell -
   CVS $Id: HDE.c,v 1.5 2006/12/06 22:31:47 russell Exp $

Define Documentation

#define _CODES _l0,
_c2   ) 


(                                         \
      (((_c2 << 2) | _l2) << 8) |             \
      (((_c1 << 2) | _l1) << 4) |             \
      (((_c0 << 2) | _l0) << 0)               \

Function Documentation

static __inline unsigned int codes_condition HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  freq,
int  ncodes

Conditions the code array by setting the code lengths of non-existent codes to the maximum code length + 1.

A packed value with the minimum code length in the low 8-bits
codes The codes to condition
freq The frequency distribution. Elements with 0 entries have their corresponding codes 'conditioned'
ncodes The number of codes and also, by definition, the number elements in freq.

static __inline unsigned int direct_symbols_encode HDE hde,
unsigned int *  buf,
unsigned int  pos,
int  min,
int  nbits,
const short int *  symbols,
int  nsymbols

Encodes the specified symbols symbols using the specified histogram of frequencies. Both the symbols and the histogram are presented as 16-bit values.

The updated bit write position
hde The HDE control structure
buf The output buffer address
pos The current write bit offset
min The value of the smallest symbol
nbits The number of bits needed to encode the widest symbol
symbols The array of symbols
nsymbols The number of symbols

static __inline unsigned int form_deltas signed char *  deltas,
const HUFF_code codes,
int  ncodes,
int  nseed,
int  seed

Forms the array code lengths deltas.

A summary description, giving the min, max and seed values
deltas The array of deltas to be filled out
codes The HUFF_man code array to be differinated
ncodes The number of codes in codes
nseed The seed bin
seed The seed value

const HDE_assay* HDE_assayLocate const HDE hde  ) 

Returns a pointer to the publically defined piece of this structure. This can be a one-time call, i.e. for any given HDE structure, this routine always returns the same value.

Pointer to the HDE_assay structure
hde The HDE control structure
The information returned is mainly of diagnostic use. However, knowing the min and max bin entry allows one to efficiently clear a previously used histogram.

void* HDE_construct HDE hde,
unsigned int  nhuff

Constructs (initializes) the specified HDE structure.

The next address after this structure.
hde The HDE control structure to construct
nhuff The maximum number of Huffman encoding bins that this control structure is meant to support.
The size of this structure should be acquired by a call to HDE_sizeof. The parameter huffman_nbins must be the same in the call to HDE_sizeof and HDE_construct.

unsigned int HDE_encodeSS HDE hde,
unsigned int *  buf,
unsigned int  pos,
unsigned int  nhuff,
const unsigned short int *  hist,
int  nbins,
const short int *  symbols,
int  nsymbols

Encodes the specified symbols symbols using the specified histogram of frequencies. Both the symbols and the histogram are presented as 16-bit values.

The updated bit write position
hde The HDE control structure
buf The output buffer address
pos The current write bit offset
nhuff Provides a means to limit the size of the huffman encoding region to a region that is smaller than what was specified during the HDE construction (i.e. the nhuff parameter) The construction value is used, if this value is 0 or larger.
hist The frequency histogram. The histogram is such that it extends -/+ nbins from this pointer. That is, this is the center of the histogram.
nbins The half width of the histogram
symbols The array of symbols
nsymbols The number of symbols

void HDE_histClearS const HDE hde,
unsigned short int *  hist

Clears the histogram using the active bin range stored in the HDE_assay block of the HDE structure.

hde The HDE control handle
hist The histogram to clear
This routine must be called after HDE_encodeSS has been called, since it is that routine that sets up the HDE_assay block

unsigned int HDE_sizeof unsigned int  nhuff  ) 

Returns the size, in bytes, for a handle to hold a Huffman distribution of huffman_bins.

nhuff The maximum size of the Huffman encoding area Suggested values are small powers of 2 like 32, 64, 128. Note also up to 3 bins may be used to hold describe the underflow, overflow and exception areas. Currently these 3 are mapped into 1 bin, but this may change in a future implementation
For the most part, this only provides a working area. On host-based workstations with expandable stacks, this memory would go on the stack, but, it is too large to do this for embedded systems.

static __inline int hist_copy unsigned int *  dst,
const unsigned short int *  src,
int  min,
int  max

Copies the core of the histogram (i.e. from the first non-zero element to the last non-zero element.

dst The destination histogram
src The source histogram
min The first non-zero histogram bin
max The last non-zero histogram bin
This routine exists solely because the HUFF build routines only take an integer (not a short integer) frequency distribution.

static __inline void hist_deltas unsigned int *  hist,
int  min,
int  nbins,
const signed char *  deltas,
int  ndeltas

Histograms the delta distribution.

hist The resulting histogram
min The minimum bin number
nbins The number of bins in the histogram
deltas The deltas to histogram
ndeltas The number of deltas to histogram

static __inline unsigned int hist_limits_find const unsigned short int *  hist,
int  cnt

Finds the indices of the smallest and largest non-zero entry in the specified histogram.

hist The target histogram
cnt The total number of entries in the histogram

static __inline unsigned long long int hist_select const unsigned short int *  hist,
int  nentries,
HistLimits  limits,
int  nbins

Finds the nbits that encompass the largest number of entries for the specified histogram.

hist The target histogram
nentries The total number of entries described by the limits
limits The lower and upper bins of the histogram. These are the first and last bins with data
nbins The width to select.

static __inline unsigned int huff_symbols_encode unsigned int *  buf,
unsigned int  pos,
const HUFF_code codes,
int  min,
int  max,
unsigned int  nunderflow,
unsigned int  noverflow,
int  xsymbols,
const short int *  symbols,
int  nsymbols

Encodes the pedestal subtracted ADC values using the specified Huffman codes.

The updated write bit position
buf The output buffer
pos The position of the next bit to fill
codes The Huffman codes
min The minimum symbol value for Huffman encoding
max The maximum symbol value for Huffman encoding If 'p
nunderflow The size of the underflow region
noverflow The size of the overflow region
xsymbols The number of symbols in the under/over flow regions
symbols The symbols to encode
nsymbols The number of symbols to encode

static __inline unsigned int huff_table_encode unsigned int *  buf,
unsigned int  pos,
CodesSummary  cs,
const HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  freq,
int  min,
int  max,
unsigned int  under,
unsigned int  over

Encodes the Huffman encoding table.

The updated write bit position
buf The output buffer
pos The position of the next bit to fill
cs The code summary status
codes The Huffman codes
freq The frequency distribution. This is used to determine valid members.
min The minimum code index
max The maximum code index
under The number of bins in the underflow region
over The number of bins in the overflow region

static __inline unsigned int pack_delta1 unsigned int *  buf,
unsigned int  pos,
const signed char *  deltas,
int  ndeltas,
int  min,
int  max_means_0

High efficiency routine to handle the case when all the deltas are 0 or 1.

The updated write bit position
buf The output buffer
pos The position of the next bit to fill
deltas The deltas, by defintion, these must be 0 or 1
ndeltas The number of deltas
min The minimum value
max_means_0 If true, when the original code lengths restored from the deltas, the maximum code length really means 0

static __inline unsigned int pack_delta2 unsigned int *  buf,
unsigned int  pos,
const signed char *  deltas,
int  ndeltas,
int  min,
int  max_means_0

High efficiency routine to handle the case when all the delta range is only 2 (3 values).

The updated write bit position
buf The output buffer
pos The position of the next bit to fill
deltas The deltas, must have a range of only 2
ndeltas The number of deltas
min The minimum value
max_means_0 If true, when the original code lengths restored from the deltas, the maximum code length really means 0
Need just 1 or 2 bits of information to define this packing scheme
  1. 1 bit indicating that 0 is not the maximum occuring bin, and if so, another bits indicating which of the other two is the maximum occurring bin.

In practice here are the assignments

If max is Bin0 Bin1 Bin2 Len:Code Len:Code Lne:Code Min == -1 2,3 1,0 2,2 Min != -1 1:0 2,2 2,3

static __inline unsigned int pack_delta_huff unsigned int *  buf,
unsigned int  pos,
const signed char *  deltas,
int  ndeltas,
int  min,
int  max,
int  max_means_0

Packs the delta code lengths as a huffman table.

The updated write bit position
buf The output buffer
pos The position of the next bit to fill
deltas The deltas to pack
ndeltas The number of deltas to pack
min The minimum delta value
max The maximum delta value
max_means_0 If true, when the original code lengths restored from the deltas, the maximum code length really means 0

static __inline unsigned int pack_seed_min_max unsigned int *  buf,
unsigned int  pos,
int  seed,
int  min,
int  max

The updated write bit position
buf The output buffer
pos The position of the next bit to fill
seed The seed value
min The minimum delta value
max The maximum delta value
Wish to make an optimization when all three values are small, as they are likely to be (usually 3 bits or less). A code giving the number of bits each is pack in is output. This code is
  • 0 for 2 bits
  • 1 for 3 bits
  • 2 for 4 bits
  • 3 for 6 bits

static __inline unsigned int pack_short unsigned int *  buf,
unsigned int  pos,
short int  val

Packs the number of bits needed to contain the short integer and its value.

The update bit write position
buf The output buffer
pos The position of the next bit to fill
val The value to pack

Generated on Thu Dec 7 05:04:29 2006 by  doxygen 1.4.4