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HUFF.c File Reference

Huffman Encode/Decode, implementation file. More...

#include "LDT/HUFF.h"
#include "LDT/_HUFF.dox"
#include "LDT/BFU.h"
#include "PBI/Alias.h"
#include "ffs.h"
#include "dprintf.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

Include dependency graph for HUFF.c:

Data Structures

struct  _HUFF_dinfo_bf
struct  _HUFF_dinfo
 The information associate with a list member. More...
struct  _HUFF_dlist
 Structure associated with each symbol length. More...
struct  _HUFF_dtable
 Template of a huffman decoding table. More...


#define title_bar_print()


typedef int(* assign_rtn )(HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *cnts, const unsigned int *parent, const unsigned int *valid, int cnt)
typedef _HUFF_dinfo_bf HUFF_dinfo_bf
typedef _HUFF_dinfo HUFF_dinfo
typedef _HUFF_dlist HUFF_dlist
 Typedef for struct _HUFF_dlist.
typedef _HUFF_dtable HUFF_dtable


static int heap_construct (const unsigned int **heap, const unsigned int *freq, const unsigned int *valid, int cnt, unsigned int *freq_max)
 Constructs the heap used to maintain the sorted array of frequency counts.
static __inline void heap_down (const unsigned int **heap, int n, int k)
 Local implementation to push a new count, indexed by k, on to the heap.
static void make (const unsigned int **heap, const unsigned int *freqs, int n, unsigned int *counts, int k, unsigned int *parent)
static int build (HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *freq, const unsigned int *valid, int nvalid, unsigned int *wa, assign_rtn assign)
 Constructs the Huffman codes for the specified frequency distribution.
static int assign_dense (HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *counts, const unsigned int *parents, const unsigned int *valid, int cnt)
 Assigns the codes to a dense code array.
static int assign_sparse (HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *counts, const unsigned int *parents, const unsigned int *valid, int cnt)
 Assign the codes to a sparse code array.
int HUFF_build (HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *freq, int cnt, unsigned int *wa)
 Builds the code table directly from the specified frequency array.
int HUFF_buildDense (HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *freq, const unsigned int *valid, int nvalid, unsigned int *wa)
 Builds a dense list, that is the resulting code list is indexed in a space that is dense in the valid element numbering scheme.
int HUFF_buildSparse (HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *freq, const unsigned int *valid, int nvalid, unsigned int *wa)
 Builds a sparse code list. That is the resulting code list is indexed in the same manner as the frequency array. Contrast this with HUFF_buildDense, where the resulting code list is indexed in the same manner as the valid array. Note that because the non-valid elements are not filled in, it is the caller's responsibility to avoid accessing these elements.
static __inline unsigned int calc_len (const unsigned int *parents, int k)
 Calculates the length for the tree starting at parent.
static __inline void calc_start_patterns (unsigned int *start, const unsigned int *lengths, unsigned int max)
static __inline HUFF_code assign_code (unsigned int len, unsigned int *start)
int HUFF_bcompress (void *out, unsigned int boff, void *max, const HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned char *in, int cnt, int *unencoded)
 Convenience routine to compress a byte stream.
int HUFF_size (const HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *freqs, int count)
 Computes the size, in bits, of the specified encode freqs.
int HUFF_sizeDense (const HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *freq, const unsigned int *valid, int nvalid)
 Sizes the given frequency array using the specified code list. the code list is a dense list of the valid members. The valid members are specified either by the non-zero elements in the frequency array or the valid array.
int HUFF_sizeSparse (const HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *freq, const unsigned int *valid, int nvalid)
 Sizes the given frequency array using the specified code list. the code list is a sparse list of the valid members. The valid members are specified either by the non-zero elements in the frequency array or the valid array.
 ALIAS_FNC (unsigned int, HUFF_decompressBytes, HUFF_bdecompress)
int HUFF_dtableSizeof (int nsymbols)
 Returns the size, in bytes, of the decoding table needed for the specified number of symbols.
void HUFF_dtableBuild (HUFF_dtable *dtable, const unsigned char *sym_lens, int nsym_lens)
 Construct a decoding table based on the lengths of symbols This constructs the huffman codes in the canonical form.
void HUFF_dtableBiase (HUFF_dtable *dtable, int biase)
 Biases a previously constructed table by the amount specified. That is, an unbiased symbol value of 0, will be biased to the value specified by biase.
static __inline unsigned int decode (unsigned int present, unsigned int max, const HUFF_dlist *offsets, unsigned int bs)
 Decodes one symbol from the input bit string.
unsigned int HUFF_decode (const HUFF_dtable *dtable, const unsigned int *src, unsigned int boff)
 Decodes one symbol from the input bit source.
int HUFF_decompressBytes (unsigned char *dst, int cnt, const void *src, unsigned int boff, const HUFF_dtable *dtable)
 Convenience routine to decode a bit stream using the specified table into a byte array.
int HUFF_decompressShorts (unsigned short int *dst, int cnt, const void *src, unsigned int boff, const HUFF_dtable *dtable)
 Convenience routine to decode a bit stream using the specified table into a unsigned short array.
int HUFF_decompressLongs (unsigned int *dst, int cnt, const void *src, unsigned int boff, const HUFF_dtable *dtable)
 Convenience routine to decode a bit stream using the specified table into a unsigned short array.
static __inline int is_valid (int idx, const unsigned int *valid, int nvalid)
 Determines whether the index idx is a member of the valid set of indices.
void HUFF_codesPrint (const HUFF_code *codes, int ncodes)
 Prints an ASCII display of the specified codes.
void HUFF_codesPrintDense (const HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *valid, int nvalid)
 Prints an ASCII display of the specified codes. The codes are assumed to be
  1. densely packed in the codes array,
  2. in the same order as the valid array and
  3. that there are nvalid codes.

void HUFF_codesPrintSparse (const HUFF_code *codes, const unsigned int *valid, int nvalid)
 Prints an ASCII display of the specified codes. The valid arrays contains the list of indices that will be printed.
static __inline int ndigits_compute (unsigned int value)
 Calculate the number of decimal digits in value.
void HUFF_dtablePrint (const HUFF_dtable *dtable)
 Provides an ASCII display of the decoding table. This is usually for debugging or diagnostic purposes.

Detailed Description

Huffman Encode/Decode, implementation file.

JJRussell -

The main documentation for this implementation of the huffman encoding and decoding is kept in _HUFF.dox

Function Documentation

static int assign_dense HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  counts,
const unsigned int *  parents,
const unsigned int *  valid,
int  cnt

Assigns the codes to a dense code array.

The number of elements populated in the code array.
codes The code array to be populated
counts The sparse array of counts
parents The parent array
valid The indices of the valid elements
cnt The number of elements in the counts array

static int assign_sparse HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  counts,
const unsigned int *  parents,
const unsigned int *  valid,
int  cnt

Assign the codes to a sparse code array.

The number of elements populated in the code array.
codes The code array to be populated
counts The sparse array of counts
parents The parent array
valid If non-zero, the indices of the valid members
cnt The number of elements in the counts array

static int build HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  freqs,
const unsigned int *  valid,
int  nvalid,
unsigned int *  wa,
assign_rtn  assign

Constructs the Huffman codes for the specified frequency distribution.

The number of code elements used in the code array.
codes The code table to be populated. The elements acutally populated by the code building routine.
freqs The frequency table.
valid An array of nvalid elements, giving the indices of the valid elements in the frequency array. This may be specified as NULL, in which case, nvalid gives the number of elements in the frequency table.
nvalid The number of entries in the valid table. If valid is specified as NULL, then this value must be the total number elements in the freq array.
wa A temporary work area of size with at least HUFF_N_WA(nvalid) elements available. For documentation and planning purposes, this is 2 * number of valid elements, where the number of valid elements is either
  • nvalid, if valid is specified as non-NULL
  • the number of non-0 entries, if valid is specified as NULL.
To keep your code compile-time safe, please use the macros.
assign Callback routine to assign the code lengths

static __inline unsigned int calc_len const unsigned int *  parents,
int  k

Calculates the length for the tree starting at parent.

The length of the tree starting at parent
parents The tree to traverse
k The starting position in the tree

__inline unsigned int decode unsigned int  present,
unsigned int  max,
const HUFF_dlist offsets,
unsigned int  bs

Decodes one symbol from the input bit string.

A descriptor of the decoded symbol. This contains the symbol value and the number of bits consumed from the bit string

static int heap_construct const unsigned int **  heap,
const unsigned int *  freq,
const unsigned int *  valid,
int  cnt,
unsigned int *  freq_max

Constructs the heap used to maintain the sorted array of frequency counts.

The number of valid elements currently on the heap. This is, at most, cnt. The full heap needs one more element to handle the sum of two elements.
heap The storage for the indirect heap
freq The frequency distribution
valid The array of valid entries (optional, may be specified as NULL, in which case only non-zero entries will be treated as valid
cnt The count number of
  • If valid is NULL, the number of entries in the the frequency array, freq
  • If valid is non-NULL, the number of entries in the valid array, valid.
freq_max Returned as the pointer to the element holding the last frequency entry. This is used to distinguish elements in the heap that are from the original frequency distribution from the derived distribution when combining entries.

static __inline void heap_down const unsigned int **  heap,
int  n,
int  k

Local implementation to push a new count, indexed by k, on to the heap.

printf ("heapj0[%3u] = %8u, cnts = %8u\n", j, hj, cj);

printf ("heapj1[%3u] = %8u, cnts = %8u\n", j+1, hj1, cj1);

printf ("heapk0[%3u] = %8u, cnts = %8u DONE\n", j, hj);

int HUFF_bcompress void *  out,
unsigned int  boff,
void *  max,
const HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned char *  in,
int  cnt,
int *  unencoded

Convenience routine to compress a byte stream.

The number of bits needed to encoded the byte stream. If negative the all the symbols could not be encoded and unencoded should be checked for the count of those symbols not encoded. This number will represent negative the number of bits used to encode the symbols that would fit.
out The output buffer
boff The current bit offset
max The maximum output address (actually 1 byte past it)
codes The array of codes
in The input buffer of symbols.
cnt The number of input symbols.
unencoded The number of input symbols left to encode. If successful this will be 0.

int HUFF_build HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  freq,
int  cnt,
unsigned int *  wa

Builds the code table directly from the specified frequency array.

The number of valid codes. If this number <= 1, no valid code array exist. This happens if the input distribution has only 0 or 1 valid entries. Such a distribution has 0 entropy, and, therefore, needs no bits to encode.
codes The code table to be populated.
freq The frequency table.
cnt The number of entries in the frequency table and, by implication, the code table.
wa A temporary work area of size with at least HUFF_N_WA(nvalid) elements available where nvalid is the number of non-zero entries in the frequency table. For documentation and planning purposes, this is 2 * nvalid elements. To keep your code compile-time safe, please use the macro.
Any 0 count elements in the frequency table will be considered to be invalid. While the code array will be dimensioned from 0 ot cnt, only those elements that correspond to non-zero elements in the frequency table will have valid entries. If the user wishes to fill these code values with 0, he may do so, but only after the codes have been filled in. (This routine reserves the right to use the code array as a temporary working area in order to decrease memory requirements.
If one has an array that gives the valid elements, consider using HUFF_buildSparse. If has a reverse lookup table, (i.e. an array that gives an index that is dense in the valid element number space, consider using HUFF_buildDense. This will produce a table that number in the dense space of only valid elements. Doing this can save a lookup during the encoding process.
Typical usage would be
  // If some elements of the frequency array are 0, the working area
  // may be dimensioned smaller, however, by specifying the maximum 
  // possible, one can do this a compile-time, avoiding run-time 
  // allocations.
  int        freq[30];
  HUFF_code codes[30];
  int          wa[HUFF_N_WA(30)];

  accumulate (freqs, ....);
  dcnt = HUFF_build (codes, freq, 30, wa);

int HUFF_buildDense HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  freq,
const unsigned int *  valid,
int  nvalid,
unsigned int *  wa

Builds a dense list, that is the resulting code list is indexed in a space that is dense in the valid element numbering scheme.

The number of elements populated in the code array. If valid
  • NULL, then 0 count elements in the frequency array are considered invalid, and the count of non-0 frequency elements is returned.
  • non-NULL, then the return value will be nvalid.
codes The code table to be populated.
freq The frequency table. This area generally contains the number of elements specified by nvalid or the largest index in valid.
valid An array of nvalid elements, giving the indices of the valid elements in the frequency array. If this is specified as NULL, although no storage is actually used, this routine's behaviour is as if this array contained indices to only the non-zero elements. Note that, if specified, no element of valid may reference a 0 count element in the frequency table.
nvalid The number of entries in the valid table. If valid if specified as NULL, then this is taken to be the number values in the frequency table.
wa A temporary work area of size with at least HUFF_N_WA(nvalid) elements available. For documentation and planning purposes, this is 2 * nvalid elements. To keep your code compile-time safe, please use the macros.
See the examples in HUFF_build, which are identical with the exception of adding the valid array argument.

int HUFF_buildSparse HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  freq,
const unsigned int *  valid,
int  nvalid,
unsigned int *  wa

Builds a sparse code list. That is the resulting code list is indexed in the same manner as the frequency array. Contrast this with HUFF_buildDense, where the resulting code list is indexed in the same manner as the valid array. Note that because the non-valid elements are not filled in, it is the caller's responsibility to avoid accessing these elements.

The number of valid elements in the code array. If valid is specified as
  • NULL, then this is the number of non-zero elements in the frequency array.
  • non-NULL, then this is nvalid.
codes The code table to be populated. Only those elements indexed by the valid table are populated.
freq The frequency table. This array must contains the number of elements specified by nvalid or, if valid is non-NULL, the largest index in valid.
valid An array of nvalid elements, giving the indices of the valid elements in the frequency array. If this is specified as NULL, although no storage is actually used, this routine's behaviour is as if this array contained indices to only the non-zero elements.
nvalid The number of entries in the valid table. If valid is specified as NULL, then this value must be the total number elements in the freq array.
wa A temporary work area of size with at least HUFF_N_WA(nvalid) elements available. For documentation and planning purposes, this is 2 *nvalid elements. To keep your code compile-time safe, please use the macros.
See the examples in HUFF_build, which are identical with the exception of adding the valid array argument

void HUFF_codesPrint const HUFF_code codes,
int  ncodes

Prints an ASCII display of the specified codes.

codes The array of codes to print
ncodes The number of codes to print

void HUFF_codesPrintDense const HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  valid,
int  nvalid

Prints an ASCII display of the specified codes. The codes are assumed to be

  1. densely packed in the codes array,
  2. in the same order as the valid array and
  3. that there are nvalid codes.

codes The array of codes to print
valid The array of valid indices
nvalid The number of codes to print

void HUFF_codesPrintSparse const HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  valid,
int  nvalid

Prints an ASCII display of the specified codes. The valid arrays contains the list of indices that will be printed.

codes The array of codes to print
valid List of valid codes
nvalid the nubmer of valid indices

unsigned int HUFF_decode const HUFF_dtable dtable,
const unsigned int *  src,
unsigned int  boff

Decodes one symbol from the input bit source.

A descriptor of the decoded symbol consisting of the value and the number of bits consumed from the bit string
dtable The decoding table
src The source buffer
boff The bit offset into the source buffer

int HUFF_decompressBytes unsigned char *  dst,
int  cnt,
const void *  src,
unsigned int  boff,
const HUFF_dtable dtable

Convenience routine to decode a bit stream using the specified table into a byte array.

The number of bits that were decoded
dst The destination/output buffer
cnt The number of symbols to decode
src The encoded source/input buffer
boff The bit offset to start at in the input buffer
dtable The decoding table

int HUFF_decompressLongs unsigned int *  dst,
int  cnt,
const void *  src,
unsigned int  boff,
const HUFF_dtable dtable

Convenience routine to decode a bit stream using the specified table into a unsigned short array.

The number of bits that were decoded
dst The destination/output buffer
cnt The number of symbols to decode
src The encoded source/input buffer
boff The bit offset to start at in the input buffer
dtable The decoding table

int HUFF_decompressShorts unsigned short int *  dst,
int  cnt,
const void *  src,
unsigned int  boff,
const HUFF_dtable dtable

Convenience routine to decode a bit stream using the specified table into a unsigned short array.

The number of bits that were decoded
dst The destination/output buffer
cnt The number of symbols to decode
src The encoded source/input buffer
boff The bit offset to start at in the input buffer
dtable The decoding table

void HUFF_dtableBiase HUFF_dtable dtable,
int  biase

Biases a previously constructed table by the amount specified. That is, an unbiased symbol value of 0, will be biased to the value specified by biase.

dtable The decoding table to be built
biase The biase value
It is fairly common that the original symbols where encoded into a space from [0, nsymbols) from an original space [biase, nsymbols+biase). This routine allows the caller to reapply that biase so that the returned symbol value is in the original space, without looping over all the decoded symbols and reapplying the biase.

void HUFF_dtableBuild HUFF_dtable dtable,
const unsigned char *  sym_lens,
int  nsym_lens

Construct a decoding table based on the lengths of symbols This constructs the huffman codes in the canonical form.

dtable The decoding table to be built
sym_lens An array representing the lengths of each symbol
nsym_lens The number of symbol lengths

void HUFF_dtablePrint const HUFF_dtable dtable  ) 

Provides an ASCII display of the decoding table. This is usually for debugging or diagnostic purposes.

dtable The decoding table to display

int HUFF_dtableSizeof int  nsymbols  ) 

Returns the size, in bytes, of the decoding table needed for the specified number of symbols.

The size, in bytes, of the decoding table needed for the specified number of symbols
nsymbols The number of symbols

int HUFF_size const HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  freqs,
int  count

Computes the size, in bits, of the specified encode freqs.

The size in bits.
codes The code table, must be count in length
freqs The frequency distribution, must be count in length
count The number of elements in the frequency distribution and the code table.

int HUFF_sizeDense const HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  freq,
const unsigned int *  valid,
int  nvalid

Sizes the given frequency array using the specified code list. the code list is a dense list of the valid members. The valid members are specified either by the non-zero elements in the frequency array or the valid array.

The size, in bits, of the encoded distribution
codes The code table to use
freq The frequency table.
If valid array is non-zero, then this array is indexed by the validity array

If valid array is specified as NULL, then only the non-zero elements of freq are considered valid.

valid An array of nvalid elements, giving the indices of the valid elements in the frequency array. This may be specified as NULL, in which case, only the non-zero elements of freq are considered valid and nvalid gives the length, not of the validity array, but of the frequency distribution.
nvalid If valid is
  • Non-NULL, then this is the number of entries in the valid array.
  • NULL, then this is the number of elements in the frequency array.

int HUFF_sizeSparse const HUFF_code codes,
const unsigned int *  freq,
const unsigned int *  valid,
int  nvalid

Sizes the given frequency array using the specified code list. the code list is a sparse list of the valid members. The valid members are specified either by the non-zero elements in the frequency array or the valid array.

The size, in bits, of the encoded distribution
codes The code table to use
freq The frequency table.
If valid array is non-zero, then this array is indexed by the validity array

If valid array is specified as NULL, then only the non-zero elements of freq are considered valid.

valid An array of nvalid elements, giving the indices of the valid elements in the frequency array. This may be specified as NULL, in which case, only the non-zero elements of freq are considered valid and nvalid gives the length, not of the validity array, but of the frequency distribution.
nvalid If valid is
  • Non-NULL, then this is the number of entries in the valid array.
  • NULL, then this is the number of elements in the frequency array.

static __inline int is_valid int  idx,
const unsigned int *  valid,
int  nvalid

Determines whether the index idx is a member of the valid set of indices.

Return values:
== 0, No, not a member
!= 0, Yes, is a member
idx The index being checked
valid The array of valid indices
nvalid The number of valid indices

static __inline int ndigits_compute unsigned int  value  )  [static]

Calculate the number of decimal digits in value.

The number of decimal digits in value
value The target value

Generated on Thu Dec 7 05:04:37 2006 by  doxygen 1.4.4