Accelerator Independent Data Access / PVAccess 2.0
AIDA-PVA is the latest version of the AIDA framework. Built on top of EPICS 7 it enables client applications to programmatically access and manage any device or database on the SLAC Network using simple channel names.
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aida_pva_uri.h File Reference

The Header File for uri and channel name manipulation functions. More...

#include "aida_pva.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define MAX_PMU_LEN   18
 The maximum length of the PMU part of a URI, includes primary, micro and unit strings with spaces between them. More...
#define MAX_URI_LEN   30
 The maximum length of a URI. More...
#define MICRO_LEN   4
 The length of the micro part of a PMU string. More...
#define PMU_STRING_FROM_URI(_var, _uri)
 Get a PMU (Primary-Micro-Unit) string from the supplied URI. More...
#define PRIM_LEN   4
 The length of the primary part of a PMU string. More...
#define TO_DGROUP(_var, _uri)
 Get a display group name from the provided uri and store it in the given variable name. More...
#define TO_LEGACY_NAME(_uri, _var)
 Get a legacy AIDA name from the provided uri and store it in the given variable name. More...
#define TO_SLC_NAME(_uri, _var)
 Get a slcName from the provided uri and store it in the given variable name. More...

Detailed Description

The Header File for uri and channel name manipulation functions.


Definition in file aida_pva_uri.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MAX_PMU_LEN   18

The maximum length of the PMU part of a URI, includes primary, micro and unit strings with spaces between them.

Definition at line 16 of file aida_pva_uri.h.


#define MAX_URI_LEN   30

The maximum length of a URI.

Definition at line 20 of file aida_pva_uri.h.


#define MICRO_LEN   4

The length of the micro part of a PMU string.

Definition at line 28 of file aida_pva_uri.h.


#define PMU_STRING_FROM_URI (   _var,
char _var[MAX_PMU_LEN]; \
pmuStringFromUri(_var, _uri);
#define MAX_PMU_LEN
The maximum length of the PMU part of a URI, includes primary, micro and unit strings with spaces bet...
Definition: aida_pva_uri.h:16

Get a PMU (Primary-Micro-Unit) string from the supplied URI.

_urithe uri to pull the pmu string from
_varthe name of the variable to store the resulting pmu string

Definition at line 36 of file aida_pva_uri.h.


#define PRIM_LEN   4

The length of the primary part of a PMU string.

Definition at line 24 of file aida_pva_uri.h.


#define TO_DGROUP (   _var,
char _var[MAX_URI_LEN]; \
groupNameFromUri(_var, _uri);
#define MAX_URI_LEN
The maximum length of a URI.
Definition: aida_pva_uri.h:20

Get a display group name from the provided uri and store it in the given variable name.

A display group name is the the part of the URI before the last ':'

_urithe uri to pull the dgroup from
_varthe name of the variable to store the resulting dgroup in

Definition at line 69 of file aida_pva_uri.h.


#define TO_LEGACY_NAME (   _uri,
char _var[MAX_URI_LEN]; \
uriLegacyName(_var, _uri);

Get a legacy AIDA name from the provided uri and store it in the given variable name.

_urithe uri to pull the slcName from
_varthe name of the variable to store the resulting slcName in

Definition at line 57 of file aida_pva_uri.h.


#define TO_SLC_NAME (   _uri,
char _var[MAX_URI_LEN]; \
uriToSlcName(_var, _uri);

Get a slcName from the provided uri and store it in the given variable name.

A slcName is the URI with the last ':' converted to a dot

_urithe uri to pull the slcName from
_varthe name of the variable to store the resulting slcName in

Definition at line 47 of file aida_pva_uri.h.