Accelerator Independent Data Access / PVAccess 2.0
AIDA-PVA is the latest version of the AIDA framework. Built on top of EPICS 7 it enables client applications to programmatically access and manage any device or database on the SLAC Network using simple channel names.
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aida-pva Directory Reference


file  aida_pva_jni_helper.c [code]
 JNI Helper provides all the boilerplate JNI processing required.
file  aida_pva_jni_helper.h [code]
 The Header File for the JNI helper functions.
file  aida_pva_server_helper.c [code]
 This file contain functions and MACROS that should be used directly Native Channel Providers.
file  aida_pva_server_helper.h [code]
 The Header File for the Native Channel Provider Server Helper functions.
file  aida_pva_types_helper.c [code]
 This file contain functions that should be used directly by Native Channel Providers.
file  aida_pva_types_helper.h [code]
 The Header File for the Native Channel Provider AIDA-PVA type related functions.
file  slac_aida_NativeChannelProvider.h [code]