#include "gpib3388crate.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.ps)

class CRT::CrtGpib3388Crate : public CRT::CrtGpibCrate

Inheritance Chart:

CRT::CrtGpib3388Crate CrtGpib3388Crate() CRT::CrtGpib3388Crate CrtGpib3388Crate(const Char_t* inName, CRT::CrtGpib3388Board* inBoard, Int_t inMyAddress) CRT::CrtGpib3388Crate CrtGpib3388Crate(const CRT::CrtGpib3388Crate&) void ~CrtGpib3388Crate() static TClass* Class() virtual void ClearDevice(Int_t device_gpib_address) const CRT::CrtGpib3388Board* GetBoard() virtual Int_t HandleServiceRequest(Int_t inIdent) const virtual void Initialize() virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Int_t Read(Int_t inIdent, Int_t inFunction, Int_t* outValue) const virtual Int_t ReadResponse(Int_t inIdent, Char_t* outResponse, Int_t inResponseLength, Int_t inTimeOut, Int_t inIsBinary = 0) const virtual Int_t Send(Int_t inIdent, Int_t inFunction, Int_t inValue) const virtual const Char_t* Send2(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t* inCommand, Int_t incmd_is_status_cmd_indicator, Int_t* send_cmd_indicator, Int_t outResponseLength, Int_t inWaitPeriod) const virtual Int_t SendCommand(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t* inCommand, Int_t inWaitPeriod = 1000) const virtual Int_t SendCommand(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t* inCommand, Int_t inLength, Int_t inWaitPeriod, Int_t inReturn = 1) const virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual Int_t Test(Int_t inIdent, Int_t inFunction) const

Data Members

Int_t fOk equals 1 if all initialized with board CRT::CrtGpib3388Board* fBoard stores CAMAC board driver Int_t fMyAddress GPIB instruments address

Class Description

 Cosmic Ray Telescope Data Aquisition Software

 class defining the GPIB controler KineticSystems 3388 (Camac)

CrtGpib3388Crate() : CrtGpibCrate()
 default constructor

CrtGpib3388Crate(const Char_t *inName, CrtGpib3388Board *inBoard, Int_t inMyAddress) : CrtGpibCrate(inName)
 inBoard     is a pointer to the GPIB 3388 board in a Camac crate
 inMyAddress is the GPIB number of the GPIB 3388 board on the GPIB bus


void ClearDevice(Int_t device_gpib_address) const //

void Initialize()
 initializes the board

Int_t Send(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t inValue) const
 sends value to GPIB bus
 please note that the first two arguments are unused and that the
 correct instrument has to be addressed already.
 Most people might want to use the SendCommand function instead

Int_t Read(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t *outValue) const
 reads value from GPIB bus
 please note that the first two arguments are unused and that the
 correct instrument has to be addressed already.
 Most people might want to use the ReadResponse function instead

Int_t Test(Int_t, Int_t) const
 dummy function as there are no test on GPIB other then SendCommand and

const Char_t* Send2(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t *inCommand, Int_t incmd_is_status_cmd_indicator, Int_t* send_cmd_indicator, Int_t outResponseLength, Int_t inWaitPeriod) const //

Int_t SendCommand(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t *inCommand, Int_t inWaitPeriod) const
 send GPIB command inCommand to the instrument with the ID inIdent
 return value is 1 on success, 0 otherwise
 all the technical overhead and addressing is done in here
 the inWaitPeriod argument can be used to force a short wait period
 (of inWaitPeriod micro-seconds) between each data byte.

Int_t SendCommand(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t *inCommand, Int_t inLength, Int_t inWaitPeriod, Int_t inReturn) const
 send GPIB command inCommand to the instrument with the ID inIdent
 return value is 1 on success, 0 otherwise
 all the technical overhead and addressing is done in here
 the inWaitPeriod argument can be used to force a short wait period
 (of inWaitPeriod micro-seconds) between each data byte.

Int_t HandleServiceRequest(Int_t inIdent) const
 go into global addressing mode

Int_t ReadResponse(Int_t inIdent, Char_t *outResponse, Int_t inResponseLength, Int_t inTimeOut, Int_t inIsBinary) const
 read GPIB response from the instrument with the ID inIdent and store in
 outReponse string given. The maximal response length is inResponseLength.
 This routines waits for a maximum of inTimeOut seconds for a response.
 return value is 1 on success, 0 otherwise
 all the technical overhead and addressing is done in here

Inline Functions

        CRT::CrtGpib3388Board* GetBoard()
                       TClass* Class()
                       TClass* IsA() const
                          void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                          void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                          void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
         CRT::CrtGpib3388Crate CrtGpib3388Crate(const CRT::CrtGpib3388Crate&)

Author: Thomas Hadig (Group EB SLAC Stanford CA USA)
Last update: $Date: 2003/08/27 19:51:12 $
Copyright Thomas Hadig, hadig@slac.stanford.edu

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