#include "gpibnicrate.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.ps)

class CRT::CrtGpibNiCrate : public CRT::CrtGpibCrate

Inheritance Chart:

CRT::CrtGpibNiCrate CrtGpibNiCrate() CRT::CrtGpibNiCrate CrtGpibNiCrate(const Char_t* inName, Int_t inBoard, Int_t inMyAddress) CRT::CrtGpibNiCrate CrtGpibNiCrate(const CRT::CrtGpibNiCrate&) void ~CrtGpibNiCrate() static TClass* Class() virtual void ClearDevice(Int_t device_gpib_address) const void GpibErr() const virtual Int_t HandleServiceRequest(Int_t inIdent) const virtual void Initialize() virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Int_t Read(Int_t inIdent, Int_t inFunction, Int_t* outValue) const virtual Int_t ReadResponse(Int_t inIdent, Char_t* outResponse, Int_t inResponseLength, Int_t inTimeOut, Int_t inIsBinary = 0) const Int_t ReadStatus(Int_t inIdent) virtual Int_t Send(Int_t inIdent, Int_t inFunction, Int_t inValue) const virtual const Char_t* Send2(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t* inCommand, Int_t incmd_is_status_cmd_indicator, Int_t* send_cmd_indicator, Int_t outResponseLength, Int_t inWaitPeriod) const virtual Int_t SendCommand(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t* inCommand, Int_t inWaitPeriod = 0) const virtual Int_t SendCommand(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t* inCommand, Int_t inLength, Int_t inWaitPeriod, Int_t inReturn = 1) const virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual Int_t Test(Int_t inIdent, Int_t inFunction) const

Data Members

Int_t fOk equals 1 if all initialized with board Int_t fBoard number of board, usually 0 Int_t fMyAddress GPIB instruments address Int_t fDescriptor

Class Description

 Cosmic Ray Telescope Data Aquisition Software

 class defining the GPIB controler National Instruments PCI-GPIB

CrtGpibNiCrate() : CrtGpibCrate()
 default constructor

CrtGpibNiCrate(const Char_t *inName, Int_t inBoard, Int_t inMyAddress) : CrtGpibCrate(inName)
 inMyAddress is the GPIB number of the GPIB Ni board on the GPIB bus


void Initialize()
 initializes the board

void ClearDevice(Int_t device_gpib_address) const //

Int_t Send(Int_t inIdent, Int_t, Int_t inValue) const
 sends value to GPIB bus
 inIdent is the GPIB address
 Most people might want to use the SendCommand function instead

Int_t Read(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t *outValue) const
 reads value from GPIB bus
 Most people might want to use the ReadResponse function instead

Int_t Test(Int_t, Int_t) const
 dummy function as there is no GPIB test other than SendCommand and ReadResponse

Int_t SendCommand(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t *inCommand, Int_t inWaitPeriod) const
 send GPIB command inCommand to the instrument with the ID inIdent
 return value is 1 on success, 0 otherwise
 all the technical overhead and addressing is done in here
 the inWaitPeriod argument is not used, a fixed period of 10s is implemented

Int_t SendCommand(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t *inCommand, Int_t inLength, Int_t inWaitPeriod, Int_t inReturn) const
 send GPIB command inCommand to the instrument with the ID inIdent
 return value is 1 on success, 0 otherwise
 all the technical overhead and addressing is done in here
 the inWaitPeriod argument is not used, a fixed period of 10s is implemented

Int_t ReadStatus(Int_t inIdent)

void GpibErr() const //

const Char_t* Send2(Int_t inIdent, const Char_t *inCommand, Int_t incmd_is_status_cmd_indicator, Int_t* send_cmd_indicator, Int_t outResponseLength, Int_t inWaitPeriod) const //

Int_t HandleServiceRequest(Int_t inIdent) const

Int_t ReadResponse(Int_t inIdent, Char_t *outResponse, Int_t inResponseLength, Int_t inTimeOut, Int_t inIsBinary) const
 read GPIB response from the instrument with the ID inIdent and store in
 outReponse string given. The maximal response length is inResponseLength.
 This routines waits for a maximum of inTimeOut seconds for a response.
 return value is 1 on success, 0 otherwise
 all the technical overhead and addressing is done in here

Inline Functions

                    TClass* Class()
                    TClass* IsA() const
                       void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                       void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                       void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
        CRT::CrtGpibNiCrate CrtGpibNiCrate(const CRT::CrtGpibNiCrate&)

Author: Thomas Hadig (Group EB SLAC Stanford CA USA)
Last update: $Date: 2003/08/27 19:51:12 $
Copyright Thomas Hadig, hadig@slac.stanford.edu

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